ADSL Datalimit

Since Belgacom (one of the two biggest belgian internet providers of our superduper internet duopoly) raised their monthly volumes!

This means I now have 25 GB to spend instead of 12.

For the people who have no idea what I'm talking about:

Very few countries limit the monthly internet usage people can use. This is called a datalimit. If you exceed your monthly volume your were transfered to a 64kbps connection. However, if you wanted to have regular internet again you had to pay (adsl-customers) 1 EUR/1GB. Belgium is one of these countries since our government wants to prevent "illegal" downloading etc..
Some internet providers even abolished these limits..

image: 0404480.01778300_belgacomadsl

Adsl Time: 1Mbps - 2 uur -> 1Mbps - 2 uur
Adsl Budget: 1Mbps - 400MB -> 1Mbps - 1GB
Adsl Light: 2Mbps - 1GB -> 4Mbps - 4GB
Adsl Go: 4Mbps - 12GB -> 12Mbps - 25GB
Adsl Plus: 4Mbps - 35GB -> 12Mbps - 60GB
Vdsl Boost: 17Mbps - 35GB -> 17Mbps - 60GB

Any other countries who have this datalimit?

i can't wait till august, when Telenet will raise their limits!

12GB => 20GB
35GB => 60GB
no such limit here
yeah I saw it this morning 30GB ( i had 12 + 1pack 5GB) what will happen now ? i'll always stay at 35 GB or just for some months ?
funny how they wanna prevent piracy etc through limiting you're download volume but on the other hand offer you to pay to extend that ammount .. *sigh* :D
lol howd you survive with 12 gig. I used to be with UPC (40 gig month) then teleSLET bought it up and currently have (30 gig) for more money that is.

Now saving some money to go to dommel, since they offer no limit for 5€ more.
the problem is that the internet (outside) cables are all the same, so the "interruption" that i usually have won't go away, you just have more GB ;<
+ the lines dommel uses are belgacoms, meaning if you have a problem there's not a single certainty of who will come to fix it. You most likely will end up with a discussion between dommel & belgacom about who'm should come to fix your prob. :P
datAlimit, not datelimit
belgacom still sucks :/
unlimited <3 :]
waiting for dommel
image: cityconnectplusrate
wtf, that means u can watch LIMITED porn?
no limit for mine, but there are some connections that have a limit in the UK, at least there used to be .. they were far cheaper though because of it.
one of the BT sub providers, BT Openworld went into it before they were shutdown - sadly I had a btopenworld connection, for 6months they told me it was my fault my connection didnt work.. then they finally contacted the engineers and they sorted it at the exchange. auh!

afaik there are none left in the UK it was a short lived thing.
We have flatrate in croatia, finally it came to some normal price,15€ + 11€ for 2mbit/256kbit connection :l
with phone flatrate or without?
without,telephone's subscription isnt even calculated in this's extra 9€ or smth...and then u have to pay fix and mobile calls
expensive imo.
Thats pretty much how it goes tbh...
no limites here ;DDD
that's nice :)
Check iMmi's connection and choose for telenet!!!
lol, je bent echt niet de snelste, wat een afgang voor telenet:D:D

Belgacom all!!!
Still happens in the uk. Although alot have there "Fair usage Policy" now
tbfh, if your ISP doesn't have a usage cap then they will 90% have a fair usage policy.

I bet if anyone who says they have an "unlimited" usage allowance tries to download at their max speed 24/7 for the whole month their ISP will contact them
true, Ive left P2P software on for a few days, then for 24hours after I reboot my connection is complete terrible. 150 ping normal (this was in rtcw) very low download speeds etc.
same, but once i restart my router everything is fine
I've some nerdy friends in france dling at least 15go/day, and the ISP never said a thing about that.
welcome to reality baldy
wow wtf 12gb, i'd use that in a day or 2.

no limits here, 12mbit with ipTV (~7-8mbit when TV is on) (+ can surf internet on the TV, rent videos there, etc) for 25eur a month
damn, i changed from belgacom to dommel for higher limit :<
12 / 25 / whatever GB per month? :DDDDDDDDD
nice developing country you are living in
Used already 10 GB, so this is awesome news !
lold 3rd world

in my shit country i have 16mb / iptv and no fucking limits nor fair usage bullshit
Wot? They limit your netusage there? Why?
Learn to read "They think it will prevent illegal downloads".

But the real reason is that the 2 biggest providers earn to much money with their "extra download-volume"-sale. 5€ for 5GB, and we for example buy 3 every month...
That is so foolish.

Mine net comes with the rent, 100/10, no limits.
sounds like fucking stupid
we would've been progamers but our ISP won't let us!!!!!
In Hungary i had 10/1 MB with no limit, now I have 10 mb contract here but the line cant handle only 0.5 GG
no limitations here
I pay 32€ for 16Mbit/1Mbit without phone flatrate
Belgium is one of these countries since our government wants to prevent "illegal" downloading etc..

It is not the real reason, Belgacom is using his government duopol to do what they want (with telenet).

But they can't make an unlimited offert on adsl2+ 24mb / 1mb (actual Belgacom network) because it will kill all the alternative isp. IBPT has to protect them but who fucking care ?

That why we are blocked with an overpriced internet, next step is VDSL2 with a riddiculous speed and a nice datalimitation..

We need an isp like to have a good internet quality for a "normal" price.
In France they have Internet 28 Mb unlimited + adsltv hd+ unlimited phone + 10 Go for your own website for 29,99 € !!!

edit: we can have 12Mbit with adsl go if we give 50 € (free for adsl plus and belgacomtv users).
No limits, of course.

2M/1M ADSL, 32euros per month. Bit expensive if you ask me :l
thank god for sweden 100mbit no limits =D
Yeah, FRA ftw!
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