Teh secret about razz(meh)

k, sum ppl think that i'm not realy razz.... wich is true

it all started in my 1st journal in wich i posted i was new(click on my profile, to get to the journal)

sum guy posted something like "Hi razz" and i asked loekino(he's friend of mine) who razz was. loekino told me who he was, and i posted something like "wow, u found out i'm razz, verry quickly"

and loekino posted some nonsence about him tracking my ip, and that it matched the real razz's ip lol :)

sum ppl actualy fell for these dumb posts, so i made my profile, to say that i'm razz

hope this explains enough, kthx

the only thing i've now been doing now is, spamming my profile page a bit, cus i want some hits

view profile page for more info
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