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  • Carl Jackson
  • Lives in United States of America us


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Me end Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory

I got in to video games some years ago, in 2003 or something. My nephew, Carl, was always playing games at his N64 and when I was over to visit him we'd often play Mario Kart together and later on shooter games such as James Bond: Golden Eye.

Later on when me and my wife got a home Computer, which we didn't have for the previous years, I got in touch with some other offline games, though they didn't entertain me as much as being able to play with and against other people. Finally I found Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. This was a free game, and for me not having a job, this was very convenient.

I started playing this game quite often and being already in my 40's my wife sometimes would complain about this habit. She would say gaming was for young children and not for an "old nigger" like me! I couldn't really care any less about her opinion though, because I already had found something else to love, instead of her: Crossfire! One day when playing in some public server some guy told me about crossfire. I visited the site and registered. Soon I got in touch with the community and was playing wars on clanbase.

As I didn't have a job I was supposed to take care of the House, while she was at work. Playing the game more and more often, I started to kind off ignore these tasks, playing Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory all day. My marriage became kind of a mess and my wife Shaun left me with our 4 children Dave, Lisa and Carl(named after my father, after which my nephew is named also).

After the divorce I came in some sort of mid-life crisis. I started to drink a lot and I gained quite some weight. Now I got it all a bit more settled and I am content with my life. I don't drink as much as I used too(although the weight stayed :)). I know live in a small apartment, and although I still don't have a job, its not like I would need any more money. I would like to buy a new computer, so I could play Enemy Territory: QUACKE Wars however, which I heard is probably even better then Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory! I would have to save some money for that, though I think it will surely be worth it.

I still enjoy playing Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory and reading the posts on crossfire and hope I may enjoy this community for a much longer time.

