Xfire mockup theme v2

- Added some navbar gradients
- Added navbar mini icons
- Added navbar dragging functionality (remembers settings)
- Added navbar collapse (remembers settings)

Please give it a go - try dragging and collapsing (with the orange arrow) the nav boxes above/below each other


Edit: since no 1 likes the colours i will make them the same as this site
very nice very nice
you have to make the busted players section a lot bigger
i don't like it
the colors are weird*
edited nub ;)
not my cup of tea
iGoogle like
Hi sinner.
ugly, sorry.
Well, you can't drag shit from one column to another + the layout is ugly. I like the mini-icons but they are 'too mini', i can't see shit (it's not that i'm partially blind, they're just too small and don't go very well with the background).
I think you should make them bigger AND change them all to be just white shapes in the orange boxes.


And yeah, the colors - these from original crossfire are alot better, the 'what-the-fuck-is-in-the-background' has to go.
tnx for suggestions ;)
how can i set the theme?
the colours not for me, sorry
change the colors :[
wow thats kinda nice :P
when you drag/drop boxes in the right column it's shown as in the left... in opera
but when you release it it comes where it should be
still sux according to unfriendliness :)
very nice very nice
nav box dragging only works on left hand side
right side always mucks up

also you cant transfer each side to each other

^ constructive hopefully
fixed for opera now (+dragging looks better), will change to xfire colour scheme later + draggable from right <-> left navigation

what are your plans for the project ?
well i was thinking of writing a whole new xfire, that is, exactly like this one but with improvements to things like clan system and search and other things, but with a database that is compatible with this one so data can be ported. Ofc I don't expect xfire to adopt it but its good practice for me - i am a software programmer mostly so i want to make a decent/full website to practice database design.

btw can u check http://www.lightcast.cc/crossfire/ - changed to grayscale colours - do you prefer it?

but in the short term - iits a long shot but maybe a new xfire theme can come of it if ppl like it, i think the draggable/collapsing boxes are cool and the code itself is much more modern/clean than the current and extremely easy to plug into current xfire.
i prefer the greyscale yes, but the header colours for articles, busted players, my profile etc isnt realy dark enough to use the white text. seems a bit washed out and doesnt fit the black of the main central box

but otherwise thumbs up
set to fixed width now on tosspots advice, and i also agree with u so ive made the nav title backgrounds darker. Changing width of the whole thing is as easy as changing 1 line of code - width:100% to width:400px or width:1024px
much better, very nice
nice colors!
make a newspost when you think you have finished this, seems neat!
colors are good, in my opinion the colors on the xfire menu's/tables are ugly XD
get this to the forums and sticky this :)
pretty nice, is there any contest for a new design or you are doin that just for your pleasure?
I personally think the colors are better than the original ones, keep up the good work and make this a news post.
try and add more gfx/eyecandy imo

also mby add a link(or something) so users can select 100% width or fixed width if possible?
The width-adjust the guy above me mentioned - if you could implement it, you could make the contentbox 'mobile' too, eg. navbars on the left, on the right only contentbox, like fully customizable, along with number of visible posts/journals/busted players etc.
And imo you need some better top than that, along with the menu.
+ option to lock the boxes in place, some menu to add/remove the boxes.
depressing colors
ye some more work on colors and design would be better

what this site lacks is some ajax and javascript which nowadays they are being used a lot but i guess taLa doesn't have time anymore :(

pm me if you need some help m8 :)
where is the "other news" ?
i was actually wondering what that is - can u help me?
Where do you want help with? I can help you if you want.
what is the difference between News and Other News?
Other News mainly is news about low-profile things such as New clans, 3on3 one-day-cups etc.

Main News is about high-profile things such as an Clanbase EC final, matches broadcasted on ETTv from EC/NC/whatever, or mainly gaming victories on other platforms.
on the current version under My Crossfire theres a blog of Other News :)
The colours are actually quite nice, not distracting and very functional.
thanks, i thought so too but a lot of ppl disagree so i've made them more grayscale now like current xfire ;<
Well, i like it more now ;p

The upper menu should be somehow separated from the top.
how to use it?

edit: why no tutorials?
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