laptop specifications needed cmon

Someone who is in US now, is coming to me soon and there is possibility for me to get laptop. I need some good laptop specifications...

And btw, in case I wont be able to get it with XP, would it be possible to have NO O/S installed there at all? (Yeah Vista sucks)

Contribute please, thanks
No OS?

Hahahahahahahahahah hf @ DOS!
nah i mean i'd install windows XP pro myself when notebook arrives to me
DOS as in Disk Operating System
Yes, I know. Was thinking about that but to lazy to edit the

"Yes I know MS-DOS means disk operating system"
For what are you planning to use it?
soem normal things like Office, music, films etc...
adobe: dreamweaver, photoshop, flash
and ET (if il'm able to get internet connection on studies =])

thats why i ask about CPU (dual core? but will i get nice fps with it?) and GFX (no clue in here, since they are some different cards than in PCs)
I don't know alot about laptop's, so I can't really help you out here. The only thing I know is that Dell got some pretty nice ones.
Not impossible to get without an OS, but easy to remove vista. My opinion get Dell
Well, if its easy to uninstall it then its no problem. But how much does it differ from normal PC?
I had vista preinstalled on my dell and it had some nice features but it was a system whore, i prefer xp and it was easy to format.

If thats what youre asking?
If the procedure of uninstalling operating system is the same as in PCs then it's ok. I've always thought you can't uninstall O/S in notebooks. Also when my friend bought notebook, it had many many strange programmes "increasing performance" (wasnt Dell though). I know Dell are nice notebooks. I just want to build PC which looks the same (ofc better specifications since my current PC gives me 30fps at radar) and which just differs in mobility.
If you look in my profile you see my dell laptop spec's. I can run any game with this and I use it for video editing and shoutcasting.

I got it, played with vista for 1 week and then put in an XP CD, selected my boot list to read from CD before HDD and installed XP onto the vista partition and away it went!

I am a computer noob but even I was able to install XP on my dell laptop!
That pretty much terminates my fear towards these issues. Thanks mister TosspoT!
Btw, I dont play "games", its just ET which I love ;-)
Oh, and how much did it cost? I could find your model in Poland for equivalent of 923euro
Yeah thats about the same as I paid. I have a Vostro 1500, but sometimes they dont sell the Vostro with the 8600 now, only the 8400 which i dont believe would play ET personally.
I've seen cases where people tried this and gave up because some of the laptops newer components only had vista driver-versions available. (i'm sure there's a way through this problem, just thought i'd let you know)
Well, that may be an important issue. Thank you for sharing.
I just wonder whether US notebooks differ in some way from EU ones (I hope not) regarding these drivers, etc.
The voltage in the outlet isn't the same in US and EU (110 vs 230 iirc), so the power adaptor for the battery most likely won't work in your country.

Also it will ofc have an english keyboard.

im off to vacation, gl.
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