srly ... wtf? (ger/eng)

Hy, was surfing the web, looking for some porn,and checking my box when i found that..

for the english ppl:,2933,369724,00.html

for the germans:

so srly, wtf?

2 late 2 read
its about the uk police is chasing a ufo, perfect time to read imo oO
british airforce testing new jets?

cmon, srsly... if it really was an UFO (extra-terrestrial), where are the pics/where is the movie?... they had an on-board cam.

naja, ich war ziemlich überrascht das bis dato noch niemand was darüber gsagt hat. egal was es is, ob E.T. oder a ami geheim flieger, alleine die tatsache, das da irgendwas seltsames abgelaufen ist, is krass, dazu is das ja ned lang her. das war am 20.juni
es gibt doch andauernd iwelche leute die behaupten etwas gesehen zu haben.

weil es diesmal nich iwelche sektenspinner oder grenzwissenschaftler (das wort is zu geil xD), sondern polizisten waren, haben sie sogar ne news bei bbc bekommen - WOW!
There have been a few of these reportings this month in the UK, kinda odd. But I no avi no proof!
hm, im rly wondering why the press in austria didnt tell a single word about that, i mean, whatever it was, it was a so called U.F.O. simply that fact should be worth a bit more attention by the press imo.
euro 2008 started at that time =] Nobody really cared about some guys who saw some lights from the sunrise being in the helicopter...
hah, you got a point
like anyone would believe this
the internet is for porn!!!!!!!!
"But three-man crew could not capture any images before the object vanished over the Bristol Channel on 8 June."

I think it says enough, always UFO, never pictures =]
UFO = big organisations secret technologies
die waren entweder auf drogen oder haben sich nen spass erlaubt weil sie fame abgrasen wollen.
srsly son schrott... ich hab gestern auch n ufo gesehen
in diesem sinne "avi or it never happened"
many guys of u watch to many Akte X
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