mystic ???

Is Finlandmystic still alive ?? I think i aint heard smth of him about a
some Month ? o_O ?
I was discussion with a friend about high ET Play0rz
He merced for Impact recently in between going to the army and played very well.
this guy is truly skilled .
I suck no matter how much i play :D
he is playing ET in Real life =S
thats also known as finnish army ;>
don't worry about him . He will be still pwning after army .
In diffrent game though ....
you shall see !
kk army ;) N1 guy :)
he died in a mysterious carcrash last night
hmm i guess he will be on some random server - defending goldrush waiting at the cp ladder up with a knife .....
Did you discuss me with your friend? :>
No But i mentioned you when we were discussing this flower called flowerasaurus aptomotopis 8(
tatatata ting ta (...) ta

bless you! may mystic be with you
Interesting... did someone in army call mystic cheater?
Need full mystic config with fov changes and whatnot. PMME B)
army ftw
he plays css with raveneye! I once was on a finnish css pub where were mystic & raveneye :-D
this fat guy on the army? never..
i wont be surprised if he couldnt serve cause he is only running around with his knife out waiting for a cheap backrape
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