looking for a laptop

I'm looking for good a good laptop that can play all of the recent games without any probs (and can certainly play et without any probs) in a price range of 1500 euro (+- £1187.50) post the links pls
I'm am also looking for the best graph card in a laptop.

tnx in advance
I have better fps on cod4 then on ET :DDDD

anyway im not that into computers so dunno, gl tho
no, how should you suppose to know its a lie?
lol, how the hell can u have lower fps in et than in cod4 nigga pls ~~
yitch3.cfg gives like 380% stock fps on cod4
and on ET im having fpsdrops like hell because of pb :(
oh righty. fuck pb then :/
fuck ur rich parents
or work ;>?
thats how i would do it, but most kids nowadays are so fucking lazy and their parents are sticking everything into their ass
nice site I like it. Have you bought one there?
not me but some people at school did, thats when I came to know their laptops.

Realy nice laptops, they cost a bit more but not that much. And you have always some nice options for the configuration, most times you can chose between 5 CPU's for the same model laptop. And you still have a option to buy the laptop with windows XP home/pro or even no OS (fuck vista).

For that kinda money you can get a shit hot laptop that will play all the games you want. I have one that cost £300 less than that and I play, shoutcast and video edit on it. However my advice would be to wait a little bit as the 9 series cards will soon be available more widely
how soon :p ? can't wait :p but tnx for the advice
but then agian toss, the nine series will be more expensive agian and maybe I'll have to cut on other things what I dont rly want to :o
then just get the 8 series, they are still perfectly fine
do you think I shuld get vista on em. Will my games lag if I use vista?
Vista is ok, and I stress ok. I got mine had it for a while with Vista but...y'know the performance is 10 times better with XP.
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