Razer Copperhead any1?

Hey i got a weird problem, just found my copperhead and yea wanted to put right setting but it didnt found the mouse (it worked - so no usb problem) and yeah after that i pressed that reset button but now its not moving anymore ://

anyone know how to fix it?
i had razer copperhead, got broken after 1 year =(
good for you, but actually i didnt asked if you had that mouse :(
My copperhead died in a year aswel:( so did my daimond back..
I broke 3 copperheads in 10 months or something :D
c c c combobreaker!
Im on my 4th or 5th copperhead now, they always brake, my last one has lasted over a year tho which is surprising.
why u buy them then ?
got them all replaced for free from Razer, would of changed my mouse ages ago anyway but im left handed.
I bought deathadder after copperheads and it lasted almost one year...

received a new one from warranty today 8)
h8m3 was right
why did u reset the mouse? If you did it to flash new firmware and did it wrong then it could be broken. If not just turn off your pc completly (also the mainboard switch on the back), plug it out, plug it into another usb port, wait 30 seconds or so and turn pc back on, should work.

EDiT: If its not new then that sounds like the cables broken :S
don't buy razer products or be punished for your stupidy.
the deathadder is the best mouse atm
i guess you didn't play with a MX518 yet?
i don't have the da nor the mx518 but benchmarking wise the da is the best mouse
I've had both and da > mx518 easily :-)
quoted urtier and esr
razer's are seriously infamous for the cheap bad connection between the mouse and the cable, its not secured properly so after some time the insulation around the wires will pull and the wires will become exposed just inside the mouse. When they are touching the mouse won't work.

i have this same problem, and EVRY other one of my m8s who bought diamondback + copperhead had this problem too! SO LAME

I actually ended up opening up my mouse and doing a nasty fix at the connection area! If you are still under guarantee get a new one!

Shame because i prefer the razer mice, but this is just SO POOR considering the RIDICULOUS prices
Same with Sennheisers, they are good but poor lifetime.
very true for headsets, really any headset with a VOLUME control in the wire is bad - loss of sound quality + connection gets faulty, and also mic connection has failed on me before @ sennheiser (but after a longer time)

so i now invested in http://www.djstore.co.uk/item/senhd25.htm, these are industry phones made to last, and just use nice seperate mic :P
install that cd
uninstall old drivers and download the new one from razersupport.com
and don't forget to install the newest firmware :p
Why everybody makes journal when there is forum? Do you know what journal means ?

Not whine, I just want to help. Users like to read interesting stuffs.
nice mouse Razer copper

reinstall your drivers
lol i thought ur talking about me llol
razer - suxx
sad but tru
is the mouse glowing (-> i mean, "powered on")?
plug the mouse in and install the razer software then it works, otherwise you mouse crashed and is shit
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