my future (management)

Hello boys and friends,
this journal could be interesting for some ppl. Im thinking of studying "management - based on eSports/creating events" and i wanna ask specially TosspoT about some help.

I talked with one friend about planning such an event like cdc or acer challenge or something else, the costs, sponsors etc. planning the place of an event etc.

Well, i think, studying management or something in that way, especially managing events, and supporting teams/sponsors, because in my oppinion, eSports is a huge incoming "area". Soon it will be an official type of "sport" and that "area" gets more and more fans and people using it.

So @TosspoT: Can you help me, and tell me a bit (not all secret details), how such an event got organised? and if it was rentable in fact of costs - earnings etc.

@all: do you think eSports could be THE new media to invest in? i mean to study, and in future organising events, sponsoring teams/clans, etc. ?

thx 4 ur oppinion
GL in the future
i fucking lol
tosspot barly can live in a cabin in london xD
well, if you take a look at asia, esport has a big potential...
but you cannot have a guarantee...for example soccer is fuckin popular in europe...but when you compare it to the usa or to asia its not even nearly as big as here...
nevertheless i see, as i mentioned before, a big potential in the esport section...
yes but eSports has a huge potential in ALL countries. eSports has a huge increase in brasil over europe till india. Even W:ET has players in all over the world and that is a nearly unknown game in my relation to counterstrike for example.

but finally i think: in case of the younger people that are going more and more lazy and fat, so they'll stay @the computer or internet, and play, what else should they do? ... u know what i mean?
well, yeah, i know what you mean...i had exactly the same thoughts...
but i personally dont wanna support that development which you described..."younger people that are going more and more lazy and fat, so they'll stay @the computer or internet, and play"
and i really hope that this development will stop sometime, 'though the current situation isnt pretty hope-raising....
that would something in my "work-area" too! organising such events like "sports-sunday" every1 who's gonna play cs or something else on sunday, instead of doing sports on that day, getting flamed and kicked out of the clan or something else, i hope u realise my thinkings.

but eSports gets a huge increase, that is clear. and it wont stop, because internet's going better and better, games are getting more realistic and "huger", and more and more people are buying "game-pc's" to play such games. So i think it wouldnt stop so fast that area of the new media.
I think it's not the new media to invest in, but I think that eSports is getting bigger & bigger.
internet is a new media, and with this, eSports too, or? :o
You would like to see yourself in the future as a 'Tosspot'. A manager who organises some big parties, LAN's, evenements for eSports.
Think by yourself, what if the gaming part does not extend? What are you going to do then? It is a risk, but a life without risks is boring too ;)
"TosspoT" not really, but in the way. and in each job there is a risk.. in sports, in business, in super-markets, everywhere.. and after that i gonna follow my carreer in another way, instead of sport in that good old meaning.
I'm going to study 'Office Management' ;)
first i wanted to study "sports management" but now :/
because of the reactions over here?
no, after a nice discussion about eSports i realised the potential of this.
But you know, if you are really interested in Esports management, just go for it! You have to do what you like to do!
If you are sure you're going to change your studies, what are you going to do then :?
(I'm just interested ^^)
normal sports management, or sth in the way of advertisement
That's interesting too :)
yes, thats what i wanted to study first :/
good luck with it!
thank you :) and what are your future dreams?
dont wanna flame like yesterday...flamed my brain off @elimination...but np4me. today its a great day imo :) and howzurday?
Great so far, thank you.

gonna make a tosti now can't get better ;DD.
had 2 pizza baguettes o:
without sharing them with me?
sry i was/am hungry :c wanna have a duplo? :)
my future dreams are to play football on a professional level, but that stays a dream ^^
& what I'm going to do next year (first grade of high school) is Office Management like I already said ;)
playing football on a professional lvl is a dream of me, too. got already an offer of a team that played for 20years in the 1st league...but now only in the 4th :// but...thats useless if i gonna leave my home next year for studying ...
true, I think studies are more important than a chance of playing on professional level
Internet is serious business!
Yes I'm pretty sure it's THE future. I would go for it
eSports is a problematic type of sport, it has potential and it has growth. However it will take long for it to be embrassed by masses and to be commercially viable. This is mainly because of the diversity of the sport, it's it's appeal yet it's barrier at the same time.

For example every big main stream sport has set rules and is a set game (football for example). Thus the game is virtually the same every season, which makes it easy for ppl to follow and makes them identify and bond to a club (for example every1 in a country has a view on how their national squad should play and who should be selected) or player more easily (they know the more complicated assets to the game and they know the skill required to do the 'moves' shown).

However in eSports rules change constantly as do the games that are being played. So to some1 to fully understand the amound of skill and tactics required for a top game of eSports it needs to be standardized. Some1 who soley plays FPS's can not grasp the complexity of an intense RTS the likes of for example Starcraft, this makes it harder for it to become mainstream...

But yeh there is a future for it and there is a market, question remains tho: How are you going to make eSports bigger, seeing atm a game's commercial value is only as big as it's player base is. Something that's not so with sports.
You didn't even read it :<
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