Yet again the mixing community arrives... cease boredom of PolandTheDuck and 5 other bored ET players who are willing to participate in one more ABONPTMW mixing event. If you want to play a 6v6 mix - PM TheDuck @ #ABONPTMW @ Qnet !

There are still : 0 spots left

Lineup so far: TheDuck TosspoT Snow Sux0r iMmi Evilynn

random pic:
image: funny-pictures-bob-is-launched-into-outer-space

yes sol - the title IS relevant to the content
omg tosspot omg
PM TheDuck @ #ABONTPMW @ Qnet !

-> #ABONPTMW imo
Yeah typo fixed already
Well it's the german Tiger so I guess it was Poland indeed :D
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