Diablo III petition - pics

just check teh pics and sign this


GTFO, let them make it how they want it
u didnt play d2 before, kkthxbai
YEAH DIABLO 3 W0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000T
My most (only?) awaited game. And such a huge dissapointment.

Signed days ago, and I hope it will atleast get a tiny bit of attention from wowsome blizzard.

I'm with you on this markovka<3
tupoj lubovj
I quite like the way it looks :(
thought the same.
have you ever played diablo 1 and 2?
I never played 1. I did play 2 a bit, single player only mind. I can see the argument people are making here but I just don't necessarily agree with it.

If I was a fan of the gritty, dark, sinister world then I'd be equally outraged at the WoW style design - but as it happens, I quite like what I've seen of D3 =)
the gritty, dark, sinister world is what made d2 a success... eventho everyone will still buy the game and play it like they did like d2, they should stick to what made the game a big success and continue with it
Possibly yeah - but then again, if you look at the monopoly that WoW is, why not transfer elements of what make WoW so popular (simplicity, accessibility, 'cartoon-style') to your other big names?
cause thats not what diablo is. if they are planning to do that they should rename it to something else
what does diablo 3 look like?
looks kinda like wow? no?
this picture is fake, just look at the top left picture of the character... (not the picture itself but the whole menu and stuff)

Imo Diablo3 looks great and dark enough for me...

image: Barbarian-battles-goatmen-on-a-bridge

image: ss24-hires
nice fake :D
not far from it
I like the new way, half the reason i used mh was because of the shitty darkness

whens it out btw?
they have a lott of stuff to do, i would say their half way watching the live stream saturday. guess 2009/2010
Could somehow look over it if the gameplay is still the same but i dont think they will keep it so signed ofc.
the gameplaymovie looks nice !!!
The more colorful ones look a lot nicer, just play it first and THEN complain, its ridiculous complaining on note of a couple of pictures ffs.... :E
And yet - no matter how it will look, everyone will buy it and play. Atleast I will.
what a silly petition, i like what they are doing... d2 was a great game but move on ffs..
they are looking for a background designer , i heard. and this petition is useless
omg just let blizzard do this shit
if you are such smart, just make as good game as they by yourselves
Diablo ftw!
Diablo II was beast, don't f with Diablo III.... I want another good game to play on my new computer. When the game gets released ofc.... still waiting...................
D3 doesn't look bad, imo it looks pretty good. Fuck that petition
looks too colorful idd. check those pictures fans have retouched. looks so much more like diablo. signed altho i strongly doubt this petition will affect the design in a major way (they might change the colors a bit, but the armor and the rest will stay the same imo)
Emo-Petition :)
its great. fuck off
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