Bani speaks again!

Quote by Banii'd prefer to see the code tbh. that would prove to me trustworthiness more than anything else. it would also prove to me you know what you're doing. Smile

i'd certainly want to have some kind of examination of the code before i'd license something that would be a redistributed derivative work. the blame would come right back at us if anti3 turned out to be a problem (crashes, false positives, backdoors, etc) because we allowed it.

Show him the code quad and co. , good luck :)

"i'd prefer to see the code tbh. that would prove to me trustworthiness more than anything else. it would also prove to me you know what you're doing. Smile

i'd certainly want to have some kind of examination of the code before i'd license something that would be a redistributed derivative work. the blame would come right back at us if anti3 turned out to be a problem (crashes, false positives, backdoors, etc) because we allowed it."

sounds reasonable
This could be a start! Gogogogo Romania Quad & Croatia Chap

I hope Netherlands Sainted was wrong for once ;)
About saying we all know nothing about how these legal things work?
about saying online petitions won't work :)
Please quote me on saying that.

Also, how do you know the petition lead to bani's second response (he responded even before he knew there was a petition running)? Bani isn't stupid you know, its like polls asking for new maps to be released, you have the smart people who look at what they already have and make a sensible statement, and you have the mass of people who aren't able to see the cons, whether they get affected by them or not.

Bani clearly stated one of the cons this collaboration might bring to him, becoming the blame of issues caused by a third party. Something he might not say to the public is that it takes work, work he probably gets nothing back for, work possibly better spend on other things in his life.
I was pretty sure I didn't say that, but I guess I did :P

I've seen a lot of internet petitions, and I have never seen any succeed in the past, should have said that. :P
GO ON BOYS!!!!!11
i agree with him! so give him!
i trust quad...anti3 is the future
omg nice, gl guys!
nice :) :D
sounds interesting
They'll show it, since AFAIK they were offering to just send him the code so he could compile a new etpro. This is basically the same thing, just without bani compiling it, and with a little more trouble from etace's side.
good luck !
nice! but will etace be updated? we don't want a second punkbuster
ETAce is developed by ET players or ex-ET players so i guess they will put more effort in it.
punkbuster is also working with alot of (ex-)gamers, still they are shit in every game.
ET-gamer <> gamer
if somethink tries to be good in everything then it's good in nothing
epic win!

hope this will work out well. it could resurrect the whole ET scene (not that it's really dead, but i guess quite a lot of players would come back) and make it fun again :>
not dead.. try to find a decent med+/high war... mostly it will just take 20-30 min and then you always have to play vs brainless people who are getting fullholded @ flag..
well, i have to admit that i have not seriously been training with any team since CDC3. i've been playing mixes and matches with friends every once in a while, so i can't say whether there are enough clans to play reasonable matches against.
however, during summer there are always quite some teams around to play against. i bet some nice teams will be formed to pracc for the upcoming lan event. in case this etace anticheat should work, there most likely will be a huge number of players sticking to ET again (even after the lan) - simply because ET is one of the best (if not the best) shooter around nowadays.
very nice
good news! :]
sounds really nice.let's hope this wount take to long anymore :) go go go
good luck with that... dont mean to be pessimistic but et is as good as dead imo ;{
A very logical request and only good thing that someone with the experience of bani will cast his eye over it

If this gets Banis approval I would also offer some form of integration here on cf to help it grow, don't no how yet.
if bani approves it then i approve it aswell!
only need Chuck Norris' approval!! image: icon_smile
great stuff, hope everything goes well.
rly nice to hear, gL!
great! hope quad and chap deserves so many players support and will do their best to cooperate and show bani that we can do something BIG for W:ET! I believe that it will happen!
Great news! (Make it a new News, there is already too much CoD on the mainpage)
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