new computer -> et problem

become an hero.
or stop posting memes on crossfire and remembering rule nr 1 and 2
Like these rules could protect that shithole from becoming a shithole lol.
Its just vista (have same problem). PB sux hard :x
with windows vista you cant vid_restart or minimize

hf :o)
+ change map!
i cant even change a map?
you can , just dont vid_Restart or minimize
me too, we have same problem. I already pm even balance(trouble ticket) about this kicks and they now asking me "What video card you have? Do you have latest video drivers". Fucking lowbies!
vista is like quakewars
It's awesome !
You can minimize!!! If you run the ET with administrator right you have to run the minimizor with admin right too...
Have you vista?
only once the drugs are done do i feel like dying
Don't change the resolution if you are on a server...(i don't know why but don't do that on vista...:S and vid_restart isn't allowed too but i'm not sure in that 2nd)
got same, vista problem, dont exec config when u r on a server
just buy another pc
stop et
Run ET in administrator and i have a minimizer that works if you need one but VID-Restarting will crash ET is just a standard Vista bug.
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