Leaving 2 Spain

Tonight (Fridaynight) i'm leaving to Spain Spain with Belgium acid (ye that's right i know him in rl for about 7 years now) + 2 randoms with the car , gonna be a lot of fun i hope :D .
Maybe i can tell some good stories when we're back , gonna do some beachstuff, discothecastuff & chickastuff :D

Cu 'hopefully' next weekz , Bye all , you'll miss me i'm sure.

This is our bay btw

image: night-beach-villa-roses
holy shit so many lights, i would get dizzy, your life is shit
i love ze lights , maybe i won't need alcohol to get dizzy then :p
waar ga je in spanje ??

ik naar calpe :)
Canyelles naast Roses ! ^^
oei sorry :)) had het niet gezien dat je het al getypt had soz! <33 maja veel plezier

een chika versieren veel Bier drinken (ook al is die daar niet te zuipen)

GL Vila !
:D , San Miguel valt best mee xD , Cocktails for ze win
Da wast San Miguel !! die naam was ik kwijt :D !

Cocktails sex on the beach !


btw hoelang ga je ?
ahh alcohol, hf
have fun!
Is that picture from Benidorm?

If not where are you going :o?
Canyelles , it's near Roses
Get a rental car and drive over to Málaga/Costa del sol/torremolinos ! And go to a club called Kaleido :O) Club that is owned by Antonio Banderas, by far the best club in the area! Extremely expensive but it's still awesome..

Do you use drugs :O)?
Malaga , it's like 800 km or smt :D , we are there with a car btw , but 800 km for a discotheque is a bit too much :D , Lloret de mar is nearby & Barcelona also

Tell me more about this Kaleido club btw, seems nice for a trip in august :p

& what do you understand with drugs? Not Heroine or heavy shit :D but some others sometimes
Well, its quite a large club, best music by far, since as you may have noticed if you've been to spain before, clubs there tend to play absolute soundpollution sometimes. You basically only see beautiful people there, sick hot chicks! It's extremely expensive though..I managed to spend around 150 euros in just one night only in that club AND its open till like 10 in the morning, depending on how many people still are there :Þ. But do you use drugs ? even if only in the most mdoest way :p..
Sometimes but it's not like im an addict or smt :p
Pm me if you ever go to costa del sol and want advice regarding that! :D
xD , if i knew that last year :p , i went to cadiz , pretty close to malaga ^^ , but in august or september i go back i guess :p
you can give me some info then ;)
:Þ, It's all about talking to the right people there, you get absolute shit from most there, and when they sell you a gram, you get 0.6 max, plus them niggers tend to try to rob you! I have phone numbers and directions to the right places which i can give you then ! :O). One of my best friends was born in Málaga btw :Þ
you are a real pimp and you live up to your rep.
I am indeed, you do not want to fuck with me.
i do not want
killerboy raped that smiley
Killerboy ruined it..he doesn't even know what it is!
neither do i, so i don't use it
i like beaches
hehe cool shit, HF and enjoy
have fun in my country :)
can u pick me up?
looking at ur profile ur practically spanish already, why bother.

spanish wnb
Have fun and don't get bashed :)
care care care

nie te stoer pls
hf fucktard.
spanish girls are stuck up!
Come to Portugal instead!
lloret de mar & roses aka costa brava ftw
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