
best movie i have seen in years, go watch it!!!!!!1!!!!!1!!!!!1!!!!!1
I will be watching it in a few days with a friend or two, was it great?
it was awesome!
im gonna watch it tomorrow :)
gonna watch the english version on wednesday. Can't be arsed to watch a German dubbed movie
good decision. fight the nazies!

but no srsly, dubbed movies suck ass. people dont know how to read? and everyone understands english more or less. the only exception i would tolerate are those animated movies for kids.
"everyone understands english more or less"
I think most of the people here understand it more less than more. I had english in school for 9 years, but I have problems with many sentences, too. When it's written, it's np for me, but hearing... Ok, when no films would be dubbed, that would perhaps change...
no but i mean, u can read GERMAN right? so read german subtitles..
when i watch a mmovie i HATE to watch it dubbed, its so BAD

sry but germans & french are retarded to dub everything, even the english who suck at learning other ppls languages dont dub their stuff
The problem here in Germany is that it's nearly impossible to watch foreign films in their original language. Here in Bremen you can either watch "art movies" in smaller cinemas, which I actually do from time to time, or you can go to a multiplex cinema which shows ONE undubbed movie once a month.
ist der schon auf deutsch raus also zum downloaden?
Quotebut no srsly, dubbed movies suck ass. people dont know how to read? and everyone understands english more or less.

ooooh believe me, there are enough stupid dickheads here in germany (and i could bet everywhere else on this planet) who visit/visited a so called "Hauptschule" (???!omg, english word?? :D)... well, it's like a low level on comprehensive school... and they know jack about the english language. you could compare it to me and speaking french... "voulez vou couchez avec moi?" - that's almost all i know after 4 years of boring french lessons :D


there are even people who are brilliant in all scientific issues, but when it comes to languages - they just fail (trust me, i know lots of them).


few decades ago, when movies from e.g. america were shown in non-english-speaking countries, people would have never understood it because they haven't been taught english at school at all or did not have to use it except for school because there was no need for not talking the native language (especially old people rarely had english lessons).

well, things have changed and due to globalisation you need english for almost everything (job, everyday-life, teh internetz etc.).
but in certain occasions people don't want any changes i guess - and so movies keep on being dubbed.


you also have to consider that it is much more comfortable when you can switch off your brains while watching movies instead of listen carefully to what the stupid fag on the boob tube is mumbling, aight?!
see, most ppl are lazy... they want to relax while watching tv after a hard day of work... and reading subtitles really sukkkz ass. you can not concentrate on the movie nor the story when you have to read continuously (though i also prefer english movies 'cause it's simple better) :) :DDD

if these 4 (or more?!) reasons are not enough for you to understand why - there are like 1000000 more, just think about it for a few minutes (e.g.increase the target group in a specific country to maximize your profit...).

you want english movies? ask the internetzzzz for it or wait for the film to be released on dvd - nowadays dvds come with atleast 2 or 3 audio channels.

wuh, when i started this reply i wanted to write 1 or 2 sentences... :DDDD

ps. #care for engrish (srysrysry i has had have no propper educaishun) and mistakes i made, you can keep them. gd nite.
or just visit the local english cinema near you
which would be like 4 hours away from me :P
which is not existent... but yeah, np4me
yeah i think when the guy says one word in english and you hear a lousy voice over saying 10 german words. and lets not even touch punch lines.
same here. im glad that the norwegians always use the original language, dubbed sux hard
7/10 :s
went to see wanted last nite, was good! some nice effects
Hancock sux ass. Go watch Kungfu Panda

i went to see it and it was a fuckin let down.

there was no need in the girl really and such a shit ending
Yeah great movie, but 'Wanted' is better imo!
When I saw topic, I thought you're gonna speak about him

image: 382px-Greg_Hancock
movie is out next week over here :/
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