SteelSecurity wtf

wtf this program just showed me this ???

image: wtfisthishm9
what does it mean and how to fix it if its bad

For those who cant read it xD:

SteelSecurity has detected someone scanning your ports.

thats what its says
must be your cfg or something
try /cvar_reset
its got nothing to do with ET :P havent used at all day when i got that it happened when I reconnected to my wireless network
format c:\ helps much
Nothing unusual... There are millions of zombie/server computers portscanning every ip one after an other again and again... A few years back (I suppose it has gotten worse now, as it usually does) you would get portscanned every 15min or something like that (according to F-Secure guys, dig it up somewhere if you feel like it)... It's not bad, but I suggest not using normal ports, which should be pretty common notice... I hope :)
i see andrew on your xfire list :D
Do this: Grab a sandwich, grab a coffee, take the last episode of How I met your mother and chill out

kk, I'm not gona be as retarded as the rest of this site. The message means that someone is checking out if there are any ports open and if it's open it probably also checks what services that is running there. (For example http-server, ftp-server etc) and looking for vunerable server-daemons. Don't worry its normal behaviour.
As Rafiki said it's your router or another computer at your network which does the scan.
Why I don't know, these things are in 99% of the cases started by a human and is not a normal behaviour of a router.

As long as SteelSecurity detects it and bans the IP you don't have to worry. = router address most of the time :D

nothing to worry
don't use wnb security programs
Who buys re-branded crap? Amhph it seems!
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