HighBot quad!

Happy Birthday Alex!!

image: 435_rubiksCake

Good luck in life and may all your wishes come true!

<3 My friend, Romania captain and one of the few persons that can do something for this game.
Did you know you can always solve the Rubik cube in 25 steps :)
gratz Romania Quad <o/
Can you do it? What is your record? I thought I was damn good at 28 seconds until I saw the world record was 9 seconds :|

and hb quad dude.
is there some kind of technic/system how to solve the Rubik or wat
happy birthday
HB!, btw code some hb shit in etace so registered cf people get a Happy Birthday greeting when they connect on their day of birth :D
he sure has time or the motivation to do something bullshit xD
hb dude!
image: HB-Mann

that's this guy XD
best of wishes to you mister =]
Ofc hb!

And locta! Do you give him a HungaryRubik cube? niceee! :)
HB for the most intelligent guy here ;)
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