closed headphones

ye, the 2nd one is pretty nice but it starts to hurt your penis if you bang it too long :/
1st ones are ze best.
I want to buy headset/headphones that doesent touch my head/hair anything any advice :x ?

this style phones is good for you.
nah already tired that stuff, but its not good for gaming :p
trust me on this m8

i have tried MANY headphones

the MK25s are better than all of them - seriously, no question

DONT buy stanton! they are badly made and break, bass is "impressive" but sound isnt good

the sony's are ok, but the sennheiser beats them all on sound and durability, although they might not look so "flashy"
u mean hd 25?
Is the construction of 25's good? Can u believe those phones are alive after 2 years?
My headphones are still alive, and they are old
i am using hd25 mk2 right now (watchout there is an old version) they are very comfortable and light, but made for DJs so they are strong and every part is easily replaceable

another thing i forgot to mention is that stanton are seriously painful to wear over long periods of time

you can see the awesome reviews from sound professionals on the hd25s here:

1 thing is that the cable is slightly short (1.5m) on those, but u can get an extension, try and get a SHORT quality extension or a lot of sound quality is lost (if u need 1)!

otherwise i would go for pioneer or technics or sony
1st are best
2nd break best
3rd bugget
4th bugget and good
u know what ur talking about =)

although i have to add i had a new pair of stanton3000's and they were very painful to wear over time, low frequency was good but high especially wasn't, and they broke clean in half when i took them off my head one day after a 1-2 months (without using force) lol.

hd25's all the way!
O.o thx

Well i personaly use SONY MDR-V500DJ(3rd) and i like them altho im getting wierd noise from moving parts, im quessing design fault like in MDR-V700DJ :(. But i personaly would pick TECHNICS RP-DH 1200 or TECHNICS RP-DJ 1200/1210. RP-DH 1200 are like tanks and i like RP-DJ 1200`s movement i cpuld war them on shoulder.
yeh the technics r good ^^
I have experience with the first one as I use them myself for Dj'ing..
The ambient noise destructor is unbelieveably and the volume level is awesome as well - you should buy these as the other ones are most likely to epicly fail and break.
idd, hd25s are also gr8 4 PC =)
hi I've buy this one :

I think is that the best you can have in a "normal" price.

Edit: mine is for audiophil.
HD650 is good pair of cans , but it sounds like crap without proper amplifier . Plus OP looked for closed phones and you offered him open ones . I have to agree with others , that out of those listed by DeSanchess HD25 are the best ones . You could also visit for advice . HD25 are built like a tank and are very durable .
those are open phones? :p
Not rly :p
Of course they are . Open back headphones , meaning it will leak much more sound than the closed ones .
Why will I need a pre ampli ? Xfi sound card isn't good for that job ?
(I will have it next week).
Of course it isn't . HD650 is pair of cans that needs high voltage to shine or use its full potential . Cans with 300 ohm impedance definitely need amplification and X-Fi simply doesn't have juice for it . HD650 is one of the best scaling pair of headphones - meaning the better amplification, DAC, recabling it gets the more it shines . Graham Slee Solo , Little Dot MKV , Darkvoice 332 or 337 are recommended "reasonably" priced amps for HD650 . Balanced amps are said to be even better , but those go beyond 1000 $ limit .
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