resolution probs

hello dear community,
i got my iiyama vision master pro 454 but what is the best resolution for it some who whit r_Mode 4 i play good and i played whit my other lcd monitor on r_mode 6 for a long time.
so what is better 4 or 6, and what are the good points of 4 and the good points of 6 cause i realy dont know what i should pick

sorry for my bad engrish XD
do u ask dumb questions at rl too?
m8 i dunno what to choose!!!!!
im playing 4 and 6... and there almost no div so i want to know whats better!
none is better, if r_mode 6 would be the ony good and better than everything, r_node 4 wouldnt be implanted, right?
if u have shit pc pick 4, if u have good pc pick 6, i have good pc and i picked 4, because i like it
use what you like the best, idiot
oh fuck, I want one MASTER PRO too.
i haz iiyama vision master 404 ^_^
Your fucking idiot really.
Asking why is not always the best solution
open your window and grab your screen, throw it out and play on r_mode 0
I use custom resolution 1680x1050...
just use the same resolution as your desktop, works fine for me (mode 8)
Pick what you like most, dumb fuck.
r_mode 4 is like, fast paced game, while r_mode 6 looks a bit slower, but your crosshair movements are more precise.
r_mode 6
r_displayrefresh 120

^what i used when i had the iiyama vision master pro 454.
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