net prices?

So, after reading some journal I started to think about net prices in Europe, Everyone says polish are pretty big but I dont really think so, comparing to the most, not for example to Sweden which is reputed to be very cheap.

So, actually, living in small city [15k] I pay ~18 euro for 1024/256 adsl, last year when lived in bigger city I payed the same price for 3mb/3mb cable which better pings.

What your prices? and let the antipolish flame begin.
8mb down / 768k up - £20 a month
100 MB for 3 or 4 computers

20 euro
I pay ~ 20$ for 5mb
germany, 16000kb/s down, phone flat ~ 35 euro
8mb /1mb 7.5 pounds/month
dunno my inet is included in my monthly rent
6mb,20 a month
2/512 31 euros i think
Im on Virgin medias "XL" package, 10mb down - 512k up. recently got a free upgrade too 20mb down - 768k up. Think its around £30 a month, I get 2 TV settop boxes and a landline phone too so those are in the price too, think the net itself is around £30 tho.
dude i paid 70 euros per month for 1 mbit here last 1 or 2 years so fuck off. its the monopoly of the isp market that makes internet so super expensive and not trustworthy (999999999999999999999 every now and then) in some countries (example: belgium, greece etc)

atm i pay 20 euros for 1 mbit but since im a uni student i get 5 euro discount
haha, monopol is illegal, atleast at most of the countrys
it isn't here
that sucks :o
roffel you think the european union give a fuck?

they gave last year a fine to OTE (greek isp which controls everything phone/internet and is 50% state 50% private) of a worthless amount (dont remember but i dont think it was higher than 100.000 euros) for controling the market for decades and not letting other isps. Now it changes slowly, greece is becoming as good as sweden and netherlands in the last months

(20 euros for 24 mbit in the centre of big cities etc)
rotfl 70 euros ?
image: mr_monopoly

jew says hi. free liberal market my ass. the state controls everything (or at least they did for decades, now things are changing with competitive and similar rivals)
nP i pay 37e for 1mb :XD net is fucking expensive in cze except for like 5-10 major cities where you can get 10mb+ for 15E (yet thats not a solution availible everywhere). More commonly (almost everywhere in 15k+ "cities") you can get 6/384 for 37e.
512kbps Up - 10Mbps Down

12GB datalimit (will be 20GB in august)

€ 42,91/month
is that limit enough for 3 days? :d
well, after all these years... i guess we're used to not downloading alot.

their packs:

12GB/month (20GB soon)
35GB/month (60GB soon)
omg, no "unlimited traffic"? dude, that really sucks!

traffic limitation doesnt even exist in germany anymore (afaik - at least i havent seen it for years) :D
i know.

there's only a couple of countries left...

belgium is one of them...sadly
ur net kinda sukz :o we had the same situation in cze like a year ago... (telecom/o2/whatever) had the same limits, lower speeds and the same pricings... now theyve at least removed the limits)... at least i have no limit with my 1mb :XD
unlimited traffic
18mbit down
1mbit up
omg lucker! =(

they've just introduced the 24mb one too

I pay £30 a month, and they're better than almost all UK shitty ISP companies
We pay 60 € for internet + phone.

Internet info:
17 mbps down, 400 kbps up
60 GB limit
4 pc's
The Belgian internet providers are so sick... :D

What's the reason for your expensive and limited internet?
No freakin' idea. Probably just because they can get away with it.
12mb/512kbps (but i only reach the 7mb/512kbps).
Unlimited traffic
+ unlimited calls at night
+ bad ping everywhere
you have limited calls?

of course.... everyone has at portugal. Eventhough my isp the 1st one giving it for free only for local calls at night / weekends. I can have unlimited calls but i would need to buy the 24mb inet pack :\
holy faggotry :/
I think he meant free calls.
Wow wtf...interesting. What' s reason for limited calls?!
dunno, but it is like this since ever :)
what he meant was: no free calls. We never had something such as "limited calls" at Portugal...the normal service is 'you pay what you "must" for each call', like X cents/min."oh hi, i only have 5 minutes to call, so be quick..." thinking about this scenario is just plain stupid.
16/1 Flat
10/10 35€
16/512 + tv + phone

i'd like to see some dutchies post info about their connections/isps...
Yeah, where are they? :XD
1.5mbps Down, 0.2mbps Up
Unlimited Trafik+Phoneflat
28 Mbps down (only reach ~24), 1 Mbps up, no download limit.

32€ per month
100/10, no download limits, comes with the rent <3
12 mbps down , 0.768 mbps up , unlimited traffic , can open ports + is linked with Digi-TV .
35 € per month.
8Mbits download
1Mbit upload
no limits + tv (79channels)

29 euros.
16MBit Down / 1 MBit up + unlimited Traffic + Phoneflat = ~25 €
24/1 down/up
no limits
free calls with some few exceptions
48 ping

(at portugal)
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