BB Highbot

Quote by HumM3L de humM3L187 Saturday, 5th July 2008 14:50
Dear GamesTV Community,

After we have still 5 player's from team-ger , we are not going to attend at the summercup.

When we attend we cant play for germany , only 3 from the same active clan. So we made the
decision no highbot for summercup.

HighBot will stay inactive since CDC3.

gl alvi in your future games


just make a new clan called highb0t

and split the 2.

aww humm3l
gL in NC :)
Hummel...nations prostitute!
cant wait for the admins to say "so..." and then disallow them to play anyway. crossfire isn't clanbase, there aren't loopholes, you are still a clan and will be treated like one
great shot
need your free place @ summercup!
that retard rule of 3 players should die asap
that rule doesnt count on tournaments that are running while the nc is on ( at least it was like that mpg for example )
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