bad sectors =(((((((

My pc is 5-6 years old, only my hdd and ram are rather new (1 year + newer), and since its very hot now in the summer, my cpu temp is around 48 degrees, with a maximum of 50 once, and it crashes every once in a while if i do stuff that require alot of power (ET, burning dvd + winamp etc).

so a few moments ago my pc crashed and i got some irritating popup about some corrupt shit, it doesnt matter how many times i press it, it still comes again.

image: 291zxj5 .
its not like it does anything, its just a super annoying popup i HAVE to press, kinda like having to press the action button at FF9 at Vivis jumprope sequence ASDASDA!@#!@#!@#!@ ^_^. anyway this only happens when i run opera, i tried deleting the file, reinstalling, but no, problem still remains, even after doing chkdsk.exe again (with opera closed ofc later) =/.


i need to NOT get that message again, i dont care if my pc dies of aids or temperature or smth.

thx in advance

ps: instead of going out to the beach harassing random girls and grandmas, i must stay inside cause of my recently, due to surgery cut-open leg, and worry about the PIDAR pc OMG.
Who knows, I have never had a corrupted sector and been able to boot into Windows, always had to fix it through the Windows CD and other liveCDs.
48-50 is not hot at all
my thoughts exactly, i donno why the fuck it crashes =/. tried going into boot screen, but it has no cmd liek "crash when cpu temp goes 50". and btw i have 2 fans blowing.... :X
is the computer clean inside?
yeah i clean it once every 1-2 months
right click on my computer -> manage -> system tools -> event viewer -> check the system / application logs, check the time ur pc crashed and double click on it
I have same problems atm :S I use SpeedFan to speed up my fans. :::::)
btw if someone knows util to fix corrupted files, pls gief! (i have no idea, never used etc)

I heard some good stuff about this program

But it wont fix it most likely just buy a new HD
ben aan het downloaden thx <3

btw hdd is new =((( thats why im sadpanda
right click hardDisk C -> tools -> check disk
i had this problem too
just format and its gone
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