lloret de mar 08

anybody has already been there this year or is going to be there? im just back and i was really amazing! u gotta visit the tropics if u go there!
when nopeisdope was there it was like "omg! tho i couldnt hear anything the day after (and maybe some more). gtfo tinnitus!!
i'm envious of everybody who is there in two weeks or so when tiesto is in lloret
to the guys who have been there alredy:
tell me typical dico lloret songs besides rise up club mix!! there was always something like "let me feel the rush" or so in it (not that EURO 08 song)

ps:: my dream is to fly over the rainbow so HIGH!!!!!!! (<3 the club mix of that) :D
been there done that
been there done that, tuesday going again
we're talking about...? o_O
google is my friend, urs not?
no, it doesn't like me :<
go suicide then
talking about suicide, I was looking your profile and saw that your covering your uglygrayshitface. I bet you have tried suicide cuz of your low selfesteem prick.
my friends went this year :)
France fra lives there ! afaik
next year
heater and feel the rush sucks hard...
1 hint: it's not a place you should visit when you have a girlfriend.

And yes, tinnitus sucks.
haha i agree with that :o
even if u have one u just dont have one during that time
Might go there next year.
no money
Belgium Jere (of FiF.gaming) is there now!
Ya, im going to Lloret for 17 days friday. (11 july)

I already been there once, with school (lol). We went to Tropics too, it's really cool! :)
been there 4 years ago
Will be there around August 6th-13th.
Mallorca is nicer!
was there 5 years ago , its like ballermann but whole city ...
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