Try Not To Laugh Video

I failed hard on the grandpa and the guy on 2.10

I predict 95% will fail xD
I lol'd @ the nigga xDD
I lolled at you lolling at the nigger

Still watching it though:{
I wonder if Hitler would have lolled @ the nigga :]
omfg, I hate those baby-videos. NP for not to laugh.

Better one. Nevermind the finnish lyrics, just give it a try.
the baby was easy but it becomes harder:D
I didn't laugh with this at all ?
How could I know if you laughed at it?
I didn't. If I would laugh about it, I woud say it, it's hard to believe someone on his words, true ...
you said

"I didn't laugh with this at all?" notice the question mark

get it now?
it strengthens my feeling that I don't laugh with it
I lol'd @ the nigga xDD
what the fuck is wrong with the guy at 2:05
OMG :dDDDDDcant stop laughing
hahaha =D
rofl xDD
i passed your test np
lolling @ the nigga :DDDDD
the nigger was just ....:XDDD
also failed at the guy 2.10 XD
couldn't get past the nigger :D
when you're past him it's easymode to the end
boring shit
get some better competition
failed at the old man XD
hahah xD that nigga owns
I failed at 2:23 :DDDDDD
I'd bang that chick @ 3:05 though

The last woman deserves a punch in the face though..
izi bash :>
so much bullshit
tempting on some points but didnt laugh np
btw i´m laughing right now .. but i didnt click the link :D:D:D:D
loled at the nigga xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
that nigga was awful:D
although i really started laughing at that grandpa
Did I just waste 4 min to this crap?
i wasted 8 cus i watched it twice :/
baby np, 1st guy almost, grandpa nothing and everything after that -> not even close to laughing

i win!
the old man is my favorite hiiiiiiiiii hiiiiiiiiiii hiiiiiiiiiiiii niööööö niööö niöö
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