uvmoviemod help


the et tool has the option for scanning through demo's for killing spree.
Though I couldnt get the application to work (didnt find no exe file or w/e) or did I overlook smth ?
damn - it's handjob!
damn - it's handjob!
ohh if you know it tell me plz o:
copy the mod folder into your et folder, copy the demos you want to review into the moviemod demo folder
start the mod and start a demo
in console type /scandemo 5 (or whatever the playerid is that you want to scan)
after it's finished there is a logfile in the mod folder
and after that you should be able to use "/jumptofrag" but it never worked... like the fake name replacer :(
start the mod

how ?
the same way you start etpro?
e.g. via +set fs_game uvmoviemod
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