helpppppppp moviemaking..NOT

Hello how to make a colored picture black and white(not the game!) with paint ,i wonder if i can do it easily with paintTHankyouverymuch the guys that will help me are the greatest ever(ya rly)
lower the saturation.
how? i only have paint and photofiltre
so you are telling me that you are editing a movie with paint?
wtf i just want to make an image that is in color atm black and white lolz
your title says moviemaking :(

and well, it is very hard to make a picture black/white in paint
yes moviemaking...not^^ anyway shit happens lolz nP
so you want to know what you can do in paint?
paitn or photofiltre if you know that
well, first you have to make a table (not on the pc, with a pen and a sheet of paper) with all colours which appear in the picture. then you assign a diffrent gray to every colour. once finished, you go to paint and change all the colours to the gray which you assigned to them before with a pencil.

that's the best you can do with paint i think :)

(don't know about photofiltre though)
woo thanks i will try even it sounds hard thank you very much
gl, cu in ~3 months
cu ...........xD
movie making... and you only have paint and photofilter? lower hue/saturation in your movie editing software not photo editing. :)
oops reread the tittle" helpppppppp moviemaking..NOT" and my replys and help me plzplz
Remake the picture with a pencil.
In paint go to
titlebar > image > definitions (or something like that, 3rd from down anyways I guess) > colours > black&white
oh i just tried but its all black when i do that...
you have vista?
Download PhotoShop please, for gods sake
omg, it's a photo - A PHOTO!!!11

ask some of your internet friends and upload it. i guess like 99% of them have got photoshop and can do it within seconds.

srsly, i've never seen someone more retarded than you are on the whole internets ever! EVER EVER EVER!!11

edit: no wait, calling you the greatest retard the world has ever known is even an insult for every other retard on this planet... you are worse than that!
i just wondered if i could do it easiliy with paint.
LOL (journal for this?)
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