pb lags!

Ok, so since i formatted my computer some weeks ago I have lag in rtcw/et.

I'm pretty sure it is related to punkbuster as i have no problems playing 1.0, although it's a bit weird as i mostly have lags in combat.

My fps are just rediculously low, on rtcw it falls from 125fps to 5fps every 2 seconds on et i mostly have lag when shooting someone and it just goes down to 20 or less :[

I use xp, a fresh install so shouldnt be any spyware or simular stuff.

pb and problems? NOWAI
nothing new
No wai!
No wai!
I have always lag, stop whining about it & learn to play with it
lmao, I sure that even if you have lag it is uncomparable to mine, every 2 seconds it goes down to 5fps.
it goes like, 20-60-10-90-5-10-40-3-50-80 and so on?
no 125-0-125-0-125-0 or something like that
|| from 125fps to 5fps every 2 seconds ||
& now already 0 ?
i believe shit of your story
huge diffrence there indeed, I'm definitly making lag up to get attention on crossfire, die of aids
i don't have aids
get a life & try to solve your problem by yourself, in stead of being lazy
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