iPHONE 3G oh the pain

So I am trying to order a 3G iPHONE as it came available this morning at 8am, its not almost 12 and ive still not got the order placed...


Got it finally!!! I've no idea whether I'll perhaps get 2 or 3, but ill just flog any extras on ebay!


edit: 2nd
i couldnt care less bout an over hyped company
poor guy =(
whatever you try to say
try harder \o/
hack hard, get pro
w8...how much u pay for it?
i want to buy one too
like u need it
Don't be a slave to consumerism!!
u are cool now.
Wow, you're slow.
i think you broke their webpage.
For how much?
update please stfu. got it ordered yet? or are you like number 1000 in a queue or 1,000,000? :P

i just thought, is it 02 youre getting a contract with it for in the uk? dont do it, theyre the worst fukking contact suppliers in the uk :(
got it! I got o2 for my iphone currently with no problems, im quite happy with um.
if you dont mind me asking (pm me it if you like) , but what do you get for your money with 02? minutes / data / texts .
the iphone contract is only available with the iphone but i get;

500 Minutes
600 Texts
Unlimited data

For £35 a month.

Plus you get free access to The Cloud wifi network, both for iphone and laptop - particularly helpful at airports!
thats actually pretty reasonable aint it :O
Yeah my bill normally comes in at £35 + whatever international calls i make + calls to HSBC
If only the O2 contract were similar in Ireland...

They actually encourage you to unlock iphones (which i ended up doing with my normal iphone) with their rediculous prices.
afaik to be a national partner for iphone you have to give free data, i guess not in ireland? I mean theres no point to it without data
nor in canada
my mate bought one sim free for 300 euro.. he's on meteor now with it, I didn't think alot of the features would work on meteor but they do!
Mine is on Meteor :)

Also visual voicemail does not work in Ireland, so non-02 customers don't miss out on much. o2 ireland dosen't have visual voicemail either ;)
video calls don't work at all on Meteor which is shitty but you cant beat the free texts and phone a friend for free to :>
fwiw, o2 are limiting it to 1 per customer
Got a friend getting me one from France. Alot cheaper, and ill just stick my contract sim in.
But then you dont get free data which is the main reason I want o2.
o2 suck big time.
No they don't, been with them for years.
Yeah they do :D
Took out insurance with them when i got my phone last year, it stopped working after a week and phoned tthem to get it replaced. They had none of my details that i even had a contract nevermind insurance. Was without a phone for 4 weeks while i was messed around.

Pure wankers.
Ouch, that's cuntish. I got my O2 contract through Carphone Warehouse so all customer service and handling etc is done through them and not O2.

Guess that's why mines been tip-top.
It was through the Carphone Warehouse and that pissed me off even more. They said they had no recognition of me taking out anything with them and that there was nothing they could do :(

Maybe it because most shops in Cov have cuntish customer service.
how much is it in france without contract?
Overhyped shit, any other smartphone can do atleast the same for less money and no overpriced contract!
The data in the contract makes it extremely well priced.
well I can get umlimited data for 10 euro more (then normal contract price) on every T-Mobile contract
In the UK the contract that you get for the iphone is very competitive versus Blackberries
here in NL not, you can only chose between 2 contract and one is 45 euro with only 300 minutes/sms and the other one is 65 euro with 500 minutes/sms (both have unlimited data).
Iphone = shit :<

Buy the new samsung ;)
I thought about an iPhone.

However sense kicked in.

For £25 a month on Orange I get 600 mins, unlimited texts, unlimited data.
The phone that was also free is a Samsung Tocco, HSDPA (7.2) with full touchscreen and more apps installed and available than you can swing a large moggy at, inluding Access powered MS Office.
Download Opera Mini and Robert's ya mothers brother.
You are also not restriceted by iTunes, it supports Micro SD (comes with 8Gig on Orange). OK so no WiFi but 3G+ and HSDPA are almost as fast (we're talking a couple of seconds difference per page).

The iPhone is not a bad device, its just overpriced because it has a shiny Apple logo on the case, and the contracts are not very attractive compared to offers available from other providers.
image: samsung-f480-00

this phone is very good :), my future phone :D

Or maybe the i900...

image: samsung_sgh-i900_front
Thats the cookie :D
I wouldnt trust a samsung after both of my housemates have that current HORRIBLE 5 mega pixel camera phone and have had all sorts of problems with it. I wanted to stay with Sony Ericson instead of Apple but their best smart phone has not received a positive reaction (at least the one that was out when i bought my first iphone)
what about nokia n95? its pretty big but a decent phone?
Horrible Battery life, and you gotta pay for the maps.
true , but you can crack it i guess?
My 8GB one has pretty decent battery life now. I agree on that with the original though. Having to charge every day without fail was a pain in the arse!
HTC Touch Diamond or LG Secret?

Samsung have addressed the software issues on the Tocco. I use it fairly harshly and it has yet to freeze up or crash yet. Managed to export a 35 page word doc and flick through it and zoom without flaw.

SE are slightly behind at the moment in the smartphone stakes, the X1 seems to be the next bandwagon although it has not had favourable pre-release reviews either :(
don't bring in any mention of camera phones when talking about the iPhone, you have no defense in that area
No i went from the k800i which had the most amazing camera ever to this.. :(
I dont know what to post =(
that made me lol :D
Nice to make someone smile!
I think I should wait to try and order my own then it seems....
i got a iphone 32GB -___-
I bought 2 lacost shoes yesterday.
What would you do with 1 shoe?
It's 4 actually
Grabbing mine on Friday too!
gonna buy a N95 8GB or a N96
the power of the iphone is not in the hardware its the software.
if u guys would have hold an iphone for 30 minuts intense use u wouldnt come up with samsung crap :D

its just smooth and intuitive!
Samsung F700 ftw!

image: f700
my slippers look larger than that
I can't wait for the appstore. Monkey balls on iphone, and WORMS!
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