WTF !!

This night I was walking with my friends in the 'schippersstraat' in antwerp, 'nd then we saw something really nasty !
There was sitting a fat women (shemale) 'nd an other fat shemale women whent to her 'nd asked to play a bit.. 'nd they did it.. after an half hour the fat shemale came out with a big smile..

You guys think wtf is he talking about but really if you see a fat shemale women in tiny lingery.. believe me it's some nasty shit :D

ps: schippersstraat is a street in Antwerp where are houses with whores like Amsterdam is full of it..

flame, touch urself, get emo I don't care..

thanks for the info
so what, you didnt get harassed by fat shemale's so care
no pics no fun
damnit mom, i thought u quit prostitution.
Crossfire asks:
if he was so disgusted why did he wait outside for 30 minutes for her return?
We were walking there because there was Café D'Anvers ( a popular disco in Antwerp)
'nd we saw here comming out again when we were IN Café D'Anvers
so you took a seat to keep an eye on the fat dirty chicks with dicks ???

sounds like an eventful night out
No you don't understand it..
If you are in the café you can see the things that happen outside.. 'nd one of my friends just watched outside the window because there was a fight on the street.. 'nd then we saw here comming out again
gay shemales and violence!

welcome to belgium
Yes 'nd that's why i love it :D
ah you just killed yourself
hehe ! no problem :D

I just inet killed my self .. so why shut i care? :p
ur just too dumb!! :D

once you're IN the club, you see everything better whats going on OUTSIDE

sense the logic!!
don't completely kill him :<
wtf man!!!
en je hebt me niet bijgeroepen, echt ik woon 1-2 straten ver van cafe d'Anvers ><
Ik riep nog Point , Point , Point maar ze keken allemaal raar naar my dus ben ik maar gestopt :D
ah, 'k was dan waarschijnlijk te druk bezig mijn pc te formateren =/
Hah ! :D
Zo typisch JOU :p
My guess would be closet 'Chubby Chaser'.
type 'and' please, this is annoying
I know ! everybody says it..

'nd because they say it i typ 'nd .. :D
I'm an annoying belgiumtard you know :D
you're from force so you'll probably lag
lolol !

i'm not from force.. i quited ! I don't even play ET anymore.. So i don't lag !
'nd did you punch him in the face?
no i didn't.. 'nd how was ur night?
Still recovering from a cold U_U
'nd let it be :O
No I don't.. :o
NOO ! :o

You don't know what I play :o
And how do you know it? I never played with you..

but brb got war on et..
i heard this guy is obviously playing ET, is this true?
:o So your that guy that's sitting next to me :o
Ooh didn't saw you :o

Then who the fuck is that guy sitting next to me..
i had a nastier dream tonight!
i was stroking nutella-chocolate on my anus and shitting contemporanely in my other hand. My sister cought me as i had the shit in my hand and i run blamed to the bath to throw it down the toilet, but i lost a lot of shit in the corridor! Zomg!
I will !
I'm gonna but onzen bob in his mouth and then he can't breath =D
That's a great idea !
Oeeh ! damn boy you are so sweet ! :D Can you help me ? Because nebu said ur penis is like a half meter long.. :o
Ok that's soooooooooooooo cool ! :o
somehow that make me laught:D
i like to be nude
i like to throw army boots in toilet

i dont like to flush it, i like to eat whats in there
i prefer sugar or salt:/
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