Et & Vista..

Yeah, ive basically got a laptop with vista on it, its 3 am n im bored so i thought id play et again for the first time in over a year...

I read the vista tutorial thats up here, et starts, but when i try n connect to a server it isnt lettin me and is comin up with this message :-

Game code (ui_mp_x86.dll) failed pure server check

wasup with that, anyone know how to fix it?

are you guys seriously that stupid?
are you guys seriosly that stupid?
are you guys seriosly that stupid?
are you guys seriosly that stupid?
are you guys seriously that stupid?
i see what you did there
open ET in adminstrator mod. Right click on it, "run as adminstrator"
Enjoy the lag with vista :>
****run as admin****
Haha, you still alive paki? =D
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