I've bought few DVD+RW cds for backing up my data and stuff before i leave on vacation now i just wondered, what's the avarage lifetime of DVD+RW cd, i mean how many times can i write and re-write on one disc (burn and re-burn)? is it limited or not?
dunno but at least it won't work if its surface is covered with scratches
Except that, new cds and i speak about DVD+RW, not regular cds.
Afaik you can rewrite them endlessly. As long as you store your cd's in a dark place where you have no sunlight they will last about... 3 to 5 years? You'll be way better off with a external harddisk for example.
ge zijt e schatteke
In theory: Unlimited times
Practically: Around 999 times
get a external HDD imo !
second that! it is much faster, easier and in my opinion more reliable.
Thanks ya'll, and sorry for noobizm i just never used RW cds before! :p
external harddisk > cd
In future. ^-^
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