rtcw2 @ e3 next week

dunno if it's old or not. sorry i'm not into xfire that much anymore


i hope that's really not about quake live :|

— Tuesday, July 15 and Wednesday, July 16 (11:59 PM - Midnight, ET/PT)

GTTV's E3 Minute

Geoff Keighley is on the E3 show floor to give Spike viewers the inside scoop on the sights and sounds of the show. Also, tune in for more world exclusive surprises including something special from id Software and Raven Software
as far as I know it wasn't posted here before

raven has nothing to do with quake live btw
good to know :) thx
lol it could be doom4 :D:D
could be, however I think id's second team will be working on that after Quake live. It could also be the next Quake game ;>
what i think is that rtcw2 should ship quite soon if they don't want to end up with "crap graphics" (Rage is knocking on the door already... but Rage is id only afaik). this would suggest that we'll going to see rtcw2 next week

on the other hand, doom4 would be MUCH MORE of a surprise than rtcw2, everybody is going crazy for rtcw2, and doom4 has just been announced a few weeks ago.. nobody is expecting it (or a new quake game) to show up any soon, so they would really surprise everyone.

whatever, let's wait & see :>
i think they'll wait for next christmas...
next overhyped game by id incoming!
-> next disappointment too :(
rtcw was disappointing?
enemy territory: quake wars wasn't ?
quake 4 wasn't ?
Quake is a wolfenstein game? QW is?
made by ID software ? :>
you missed the point twice, impressive
sounds like u want KRÜPPELKEILE!
if that's food yes please im fucking hungry :D
q4 was not that much of a disappointment. It's really good DM game as it's current state after realeasing a good mod and lots of developement. ET wasnt perfect at the start neither, only the good engine as a platform made it good at the start.
it was about QW
Id is the publisher, SplashDamage made QW just like they made ET.
allright ^_^ QW is not a big title anyway :P atmosphere-wise imo ....
Activision is the publisher, id were the development supervisors
all the same for moi:)
Everyone's talking about singleplayer @ comments.
will be fake anyway
lol rtcw2 is dead!!
Hopefully it will be some info about Wolfenstein!
consoles only!
It has already been published that the next wolfenstein title is being developed on xbox 360, because the developers claim it is easier.

I doubt that the final game will be consoles only, that would be like shooting yourself in the foot.
it is coming for the PC as well, but the main development platform is the xbox360
Any preview at E3 will be console only though. :)
it doesn't matter if it will also come to PC, any shooter that is mainly developed for consoles this far has been shit. it expect nothing from this game on pc.
would be nice :)
c'mon - would be bout time to bring in something new...
indeed, especially coz the doom3 engine they are using for it is going to get outdated in 1.5-2 years, they have to finish the game "very" soon imo.
agreed, aslong as it'll be good :D
i'll set my hopes low so i don't get dissapointed with RTCW2 :<
good idea :P let's kill all the hopes so the time shall pass quicker ! don't forget to save 30 quid for the big day !
rtcw 2 will be published for pc in 2010 imo
everyone of generation-rtcw will be married and has children. this is to late!
i'll get specially devorced in that case :O)!
ahahaha made my day :D
GTA4 is an online multiplayer game?
I don't know what you mean by that.

Haven't played GTA4.
okay, didn't know that.
stop watch plzplzplzplzplzlpzlpzplzlpzplz :DDDD
we will have tdm & ctf with zombies, that's have been said pretty much before... :( but the sp will still own imo. enemy territory is going to be the franchise to bring on the class/teamplay based mp games.
wtf tdm and ctf ://///

but i belive a sw mod will be done
they didn't EXACTLY say that we will have tdm & ctf, but they have made clear clues for that... they have announced many times that the main aspect of the game is sp, mp is going to be less important, and we will have the regular gametypes (which are most likely dm/tdm/ctf).

i am really looking forward to a sw mod aswell tho :)
go sleep omg
Times have changed...
i want demo not pics
I guess the multiplayer won't be the revolution everyone is hoping for. When the game is out there will be as much whine as about Quake Wars. So I hope that at least the singleplayer part is the pwnage :)
u and ur god damn revolutions! :@
So true, but at least for the sake of curiosity, to see the sequel of the legendary RTCW. ;)
same here
ooh ;o nice!
rtcw has been more like surreal than real, so i wouldn't be surprised seeing dm/tdm/ctf. just look at some q3 engine based games, many of them would have been better with sw, but the developers were thinking to sell the game to nobrainers to get more attention/profit.
Search and Destroy Counter-Strike Plant & Defuse
weird is that the truck moves without the driver
Don't worry Id will destroy our dreams :( cus their games sucks now.
Make it with the q3 engine imo <3
No-one would buy an idTech3 game nowadays, they would need to add significant improvements, but that's basicallys what idTech4 is already.
Using the COD4 engine at least.
CoD4 engine doesn't work good in big worlds like the "RTCW2" single player will be in
we wish it's rtcw2 and that he will be best games ever :(
Search & Destroy/Bombmode/whatever sucks donkeyballs, SW and CTF are the bestest. Who cares about realism if the gameplay is good?
carmack doesn't give a fuck about what gamers want, in fact he only works on the graphics all the time. blame those who actually work on the gameplay/maps.
Well, John Carmack is an allround programmer who primarily works on graphics at id but he also does a lot of technical game design work like the netcode, which is an important aspect of how a game feels. He also invented megatexture which is primarily a graphical gimmick, but also contains various environmental reactions like how vehicles react on certain terrains etc.

A gameplay programmer often uses functions already designed by persons higher up in the programming team.
Funny thing is that, one of the people in charge or developers or whatever would take one look here (or at Wolfenstein history) and decide that since they can't please us anyway, they'll just make it a public (ie. non-competitive) success. Hopefully they'll learn from ET:QW's mistakes along the way.
it will be competitive for sure, competition is a good commercial for a game as a product all the time. kids see how the professionals play, they start to like it, so they buy the game as soon as they get home..

LoL Fatal1ty is gonna pwn us all :D:D
Yes, 'competitive' like ET:QW was.
i've meant competitive in a way that it's gonna have competition... didn't say anything about the success tho.
I'm playing Urban Terror atm and there are no rocket launchers or anything ufo stuff. It has a fast movement tho and that's quite enough to make CTF good.
rtcw has panzer dude, who needs rocketlauncher?:P
CTF with RTCW/ET aim/movement sounds like fun to me
It's called baserace!
well, I was more thinking ET, but indoors on a smaller map without panzers and shit.
I know, was just pointing out (trying to at least) that you don't need all that stuff in CTF.
i doubt they wont port it it pc
it is gonna be a different game...
I have a feeling that it wont be too much like ET/RTCW, I'm imagining something more simplistic. But you never know (:
couldn't have agreed more

EDiT: nice flag :>
From the little they have mentioned, pretty much everything has indicated that they want it to be a more complex... I'm imagining more weapons, more vehicles, more classes, more random map artifacts, more explosions, etc.

*edit* Meant to reply to NuggaN.
vehicles.. ):
Oh yes; airplanes, boats, helicopters and UFOs too!
rtcw2 = gta5 ? =D
- At QuakeCon '06 there was a Q&A session with some guys from id. Kevin Cloud responded to whether the "Enemy Territory" gameplay would be featured in the new Wolfenstein game: "As far as the ET gameplay-style... We might actually keep that to the Enemy Territory title. You know, I can certainly see a future Enemy Territory title that is set in... something like the World War II universe or some other universe, maybe even like the Doom universe or something like that... For the Wolfenstein game itself, I don't think that we would really want to pull too much from that type of gameplay."

sorry, but ur wrong. it's gonna be very simple :|
what you've said is more likely about the sp ...

- At QuakeCon '07, John Carmack mentioned in his keynote: "It is a different type of game than either what we're doing, or what Wolfenstein has been in the past, but that's generally a good thing ... we're branching out into a lot of different areas..."

- Carmack then went on talking about simple gameplay, like Deathmatch-style Quake Arena gameplay. This could possibly be a hint towards that RTCW 2 will feature more simple gameplay. Coupled with the information that RTCW 2 won't use many features from Enemy Territory, it is, in my opinion, set in stone that RTCW 2 will have simple multiplayer. So in that sense, RTCW 2 could be like RTCW, but after reading Carmack's statement twice, it seems like simplicity will be RTCW 2's biggest resemblance to RTCW.
Well in the first video he was mostly trying to differentiate between ET:QW and RtCW2... But it's interesting. I don't know what they mean when they say "Enemy Territory gameplay" since ET took a lot from RtCW, so I guess they're talking about etmain, which means "ET" to them means airstrikes and covert ops and ranks and such... And remember, id always likes to correlate objective & class based games with Enemy Territory, not RTCW, so you might be right in that it will be deathmatch style... But simplicity isn't necessarily good, since a lot of the criticism for ET & RtCW was that it was too complex with reviving and objectives and such... I guess what's most important to gameplay is the engine they use, and that's already been set at the Doom 2 engine, which I don't think was very good (though I don't know much about it), but hopefully it can be modified successfully... Anyway, I see where you got your point of view from and that's just my random thoughts about the subject...

Also, watch this: http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=vIih1wpeNuE
prolly gonna be an epic fail because of the huge expectations of our community.
It will be different game from rtcw and et.
the only common thing in it is gonna be having hackers all around!
yeah and thats sad, but we cant get away from them :)

theY Are Like ViRuSss
It isn't about RTCW2.
What's it about then? Wolfenstein 3D 2? RTCW was the last Wolfenstein game, and this is the sequel, so it's only logical that until we get the real name it is referred to as RTCW2.

*edit* Never mind, I see what you're talking about after reading the linked article. They're just guessing...
rtcw2 is in development for at least 4 years, so they should be showing something in the near future. hope it's next week :)
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