oh please v2

wow, i got a game! and they fully agreed not to play supply

k, we made their map and lost. then it was our choice. ICE! ICe? "no" and they put f2. then they agreed with beach, which they lost. now let's cointoss! comes up tails which means we choose. Ice. no ice. "ice or bb". then they started "supply or bb". then one guy got referee status and put on supply.


btw everybody who thinks ice isn't a 2on2 map and supply is should be hung up in a slaughterhouse.

image: difduckbl5
dont play ice omg
i would do the same xD
why not? it's the best map out there... PS they fully agreed not to play supply
yea but you are the only one who play it :(
they prolly dont want to play a map without tax
well they made a tax in beach tho. we still play without tax in ice -.-
+1 ice pwns!
maybe they didnt want ice cause of their crap pcs
haha like it was yesterday. some guy came to server, he had 20fps in ice. ok, let's play braundorf, the guy went to reboot. he came back and still had 20 fps -.- and then they said bibuy...
people (like me who have crap pcs) prefer highfps maps like supply or braun, and tend to never pick bremen ice gold or oasis, and when they have to play it they whine or egoquit.
suply sux bigtime.. gief oldschool maps :[
don't play 2on2's.
Problem solved.
get a 3rd nolifer for us and problem solved.
I'd play it
What makes you think we care?
because i played with you, american boy!
It is just because no one is playing ice, that they think they'll loose. And who is willing to loose these days???
2on2 is too boring with ET maps.
What the hell am I supposed to do with this?
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