On Vacation

Where you going on vacation? I'm going nowhere:<
Working 4 weeks, 160 hoursxD
@ week 34 back to school :(
working 7 weeks and then a week to London :>
currently working @ my fathers firm then croatia for 2 weeks :>
I'm working at my dads firm too, it's just a supermarket but I like it there and I've got nice co-workers:D
hehe nice, ive got fine co-workers too: only girls :D
and its office, we are dealing with tax consultancy there :p
Ah, hot girls?:D At me only 1, and do you like administration all the time? I would get maaad.
some are hot, some not, but theyre all great personalities, too bad almost all of them are older than me but np :D :p and ye, administration is kinda boredom after few hours :D, but I can handle it
going to Turku this weekend. 8D
Leaving tomorrow for 3 weeks. 8D
Germany (family, relatives and shizzle). :p
3 weeks, hopefully 180 hours.
You want to work 60 hours a week? That's suicide!
Well, I'd work 8 hours a day like I did last year but now that I'm 18 I can do overtime, meaning the other 4 hours will be some slightly more relaxed work somewhere inside usually. But I don't know yet if they'll need me doing overtimes because it's been raining for some days now which didin't do the rape seeds any good.
14 july, to greece!
1 month, norway
America and canada for 3 weeks. The whole east coast.

Leaving 24th july.
staying at home for the time being.
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