driving test!!!! (PAAAASSED)!

today's my driving test...slept 1 1/2 hours, am awake since 4 o'clock and i am fucking nervous...
i wish every1 a good day today, and i gonna pass my test and get my driving license ^-^'... hope so .__.

well wish me some luck and i cannot fail!

soon 6on6 cup made by www.nonpro.np4us.de in W:ET and CS 1.6 !


so damn nervous ...

» There is already a journal with that title and/or that body.

Happy Birthday to: heades, Dezire, Mikkolo, Paraceoh, Deziii, Deziij, powwah, Xai, lona, BrCh, denton, djsmile, insje, Yakoosa, fanat1c, DERSO, bon-, rep, Kashyo, koek, smokeweedeveryday, pekingtom, cod_, Sefyu, wArm, LALO, Ins0mnia, SiRoW, PEACE, MySelfET

EDiT: I PASSED IT!!!!!!! WHUHIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! next problem would be buying a car :c[/i]
hb dezire heades and smile <333
happy birthday dezire again!!

good luck to you,u wont fail :)
thx i hope it :s
np for you \o/ izi bash ;p
fress davor ein tripple whopper maxi menü und nix kann schief laufen :D
hab zwar nur 2maoam gegessen hat aba trotzdem gereicht :DDDD


gratz :)
GL with that
it's some easy stuff, just concentrate on making no mistake and you'll win
youre so gonna make a mess of it. 2 casualties, 1 seriously injured and one dead.
I wouldn't worry, after all your nickname means "car" in swahili.
Best of luck!
Ich hat auch gestern meine Prüfung, war voll easy.
Wirst shcon schaffen
u will fail anyway.... NOT!

gl mate, tell me later how it was ;>
TBH it's not a good sign if u didn't sleep well and you are so nervous ^^
I passed mine yesterday \o/

GL and stay calm.
How the fuck can you be nervous for that, only thing you'll loose when you do not pass is some money.
LoL if you fail its probably because you didn't sleep long enough :P
it was a mistake to not sleep enough.. but you will make it, it's much easier as you think before ;)
gl mate , i have mine in a couple of weeks :) u should do fine :)
I PASSED IT WHUHIII!!!! no expressway or freeway, only outside and inside zeh city!!!!

happy ^-^
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