Firewall? ?!

Are you using one? Which one?

Thanks in advance.

ps: I have been using sygate firewall since ever, but its outdated since 2 years or smth :\ need something new
It's a secret!
No software fw here, only hardware
My router has a firewall but it doesnt block some desired programs :\
until now my router does a good job, i used to have software firewalls like sygate, eset, kaspersky and all that shit, tried em all D:

but tbh they cause trouble here and there so i decided to get rid of software fw's.

And nearly every1 with a decent knowledge i asked said dont use software firewalls :d
kaspersky has a great one
Used Zonealarm until now, but a friend of mine told me to use "Comodo Firewall" so i'll try it
Comodo Firewall seems too much complicated for a shitty firewall.
COMODO Firewall. Put the Proactive defense to "Training Mode" then you're all set. Do it immediatly after installing it. You'll get a few pop-ups but after that you won't. Great firewall.
no I don't
all the hackers don't steal my porn please

using kaspersky
doctor kaspersky
kerio 2.1.4 when i used windows.
using linux now? Need to try it again.. Last days ago i installed ubuntu but died after install nvidia drivers xD
I installed linux 3 weeks ago, and i dont think i'll switch back any soon. You need to hang on a little, read some tutorials on the community website (they have answers for most of your questions), because it's wayyyyyy smoother than windows :(
Yeah i know.. but everything seems soo hard to install :\ its annoying
it's not once you got used to how it works :p
Yeah i will give it a try again next weekend :)
Yea I never found the installation part hard or annoying. Just click next :D
I dont mean the OS installation.. just the programs / drivers / configure some hardware etc.... the random things you do at windows
I didn't mean the OS aswell :). But I agree, installing the drivers, updates, etc is the most annoying part.
still got a key? wanna give it a try :)
You dont even need a key !
And can find it on (the last kerios are eating quite a lot of ram)
I used the old because it's light, and decent for every days use. But if somebody want to hack into your computer, he will regardless what firewall you have :D
used comdo firewall.. but since i found out that most of the common trojaners are already bypassing it it seems a bit senseless... also i think i felt some ressource probs.. but not sure.

A good firewall was the one from akspersky (kaspersky i-net security) but its hard to find a good key :x

Eset smart security should be one of the best progs atm. But i remember some firewall for around 800$ .. also had a key once :x but dont remamber the name .. and also lot the key :(

if u get a nice advice let me know :)
I never had any problems with COMODO to be honest. But a good firewall would be Online Armor:

Comparison Online Armor versus COMODO Firewall:

If you find a keygen for Online Armor or perhaps know someone who cracks let me know.
smoothwall, np.
all the kaspersky users are smart!
kerio > *
firewall make your e-relation's smaler, so no firewall
software firewalls are quite useless.
Unless you use a quite good one :P Hardware firewalls have also a software running at background ....
only the windows shit :>
windows xp firewall = no firewall..
Vista one seems better but its also bad :\
I use it for years and i never had problems yet :)
You had. You just didnt notice.
zonealarm ... the best choice
I'm (ab)using Firewall-Mlous.
windows firewall, i dont care really much about it because i've router ones (robotics)
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