Harddrive program?

I look for a program that can "visualize your hard drive". So i easier can see whats taking up all the space on the hardrive. I have like around 1,7 tb and its full again.
Like a graph that shows how big different folders is and so on.

Any one know such a program? I tryed to Google but didn't find any thing that looked serious.
tuneup utilities 2007
tuneup utilities 2008
tuneup utilities 2008
tuneup utilities 1991
How can you fill 1.7TB with usefull things?...
movies apps music?
Let's say:
100GB -> OS (a lot, i know)
200GB -> games (20 games @ 10GB)
100GB -> apps (50 apps @ 2GB)
500GB -> music (100k songs @ 5MB each)
500GB -> movies

1.7TB - 1.4TB = 300GB

Ofc you can't possibly keep 500GB of movies on the HD because once you delete some of them from time to time. Same applies for the other things. HD capacity shouldn't replace cleaning, order and management.
i know someone who got 5tb of movies, anyways who cares where you could spend 1,7 tb on :D
creation of zaigon costed 500gb afaik
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