o\s exception notice

another prob with pb, got kicked everytime

image: 95534942vv4

image: 65603237gf3

updated pb/deleted pb folder and updated it again/turned off firewall - doesn't work

any solutions?
rasterhook had the same :< and nice background :D but sorry dunno how to fix it, could be server side
pb_security 0 ?
Nice background. Just reboot. Had it yesterday and solved it by rebooting.
:XDDD hax
nice back ground,, i had it too 15 miin ago,, i updated PB and worked for me ..
ask chuck norris
turn anti pbss hook off
turn sky in main menu to normal color...
Stop playing noquarter with old/outdated PB's
reboot ET, worked already twice for me and if it doesn't help, reboot ET again
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