RtCW2 Zone

http://www.rtcw2-zone.com/ This is a board I found with a link of srph today. The guy who set up the page really tries to gather as much information about the new wolfenstein part as possible. He already listed twice as much as I knew about it. He hopes to get a lot RtCW2 interested people together to discuss all news and facts comming up.

Have a look especially at the 'Facts and news about the new game' section as well as the 'Discussions' section. You'll see he's a little sherlock.

Things he found are possible titles for the games based on a lot of research, the release dates (Christmas 08) and the fact that the RtCW2 multiplayer maps are already done.
seems cool,nice :)
what the fag

btw 1

EDIT fo 2nd
More RTCW-journals pls <3
can somebody explain me what this E3 means?
E3 Media and Business Summit (formerly known as Electronic Entertainment Expo), used to be the biggest trade/gameshow around, but in 2007 it was changed into invite only-format. A separate conference called Entertainment for All Expo has been created to accommodate the public demand for a major, annual video game event.
this is not Miami , this is not Milano , this is not New York, this is not Chicago
Quote- At QuakeCon '06 there was a Q&A session with some guys from id. Kevin Cloud responded to whether the "Enemy Territory" gameplay would be featured in the new Wolfenstein game: "As far as the ET gameplay-style... We might actually keep that to the Enemy Territory title. You know, I can certainly see a future Enemy Territory title that is set in... something like the World War II universe or some other universe, maybe even like the Doom universe or something like that... For the Wolfenstein game itself, I don't think that we would really want to pull too much from that type of gameplay."


but, ... a further eT title *.*

Quote[...]the information that RTCW 2 won't use many features from Enemy Territory[...]
looks interesting
I dont believe its something to wait for ET players and I certainly dont believe it will live up to it's hype. hoping im proven wrong.
Todd Hollenshead, CEO of id Software, confirmed that id will not attend E3. Id Software simply decided to leave the ESA (Entertainment Software Association) which quite a few other companies have done the last few weeks..

QuakeCon '08 is our last hope for RTCW 2 news this year

make me sad
You did not read all ;D
The admin is from Denmark, so he should not be trusted!
Thanks for the kind words XD
I am Danish myself ;)
Most of the RTCW2 sites are run by hackers who have been banned from Crossfire. w4rl0rd and some other random german to name but 2 examples! He had that rtcw2 chan at one point.
Might be Hein running that one? :)
I'm the admin. Just registered to say hi.

Oh, and I'm not a hacker :)
Maybe you could ask Locki for some inside info? :o
What makes you actually think that espacially this guy is a cheater? x)

I think he means that they use your pw on that forum to login @ xfire or something :P
Ah, got it now. Thanks ;D
I didnt say that
Btw more news:

The promotion advert of PCGAMER UK shows Wolfenstein title character B.J. Blazkowicz with the slogan 'He's back...'. on the cover. As a reminder you can see him on the right (Wolfenstein3D). Click the picture for a more bigger size.

The magazine will be released on july the 31th. As a reminder you can see him on the right (Wolfenstein3D).

image: rtcw2_preview_e3s <-> image: rtcw2_preview_e3classic

Could be fake though oO

Source: http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=192511&site=cvg
"the fact that the RtCW2 multiplayer maps are already done. "

That's not a fact
"Threewave Software is the premier video game development studio, located in beautiful downtown Vancouver, British Columbia. We are focused on providing top-notch multiplayer content to the demanding First-Person Shooter (FPS) genre. Having recently finished the multiplayer maps on Touchstone’s Turok, EA’s Army of Two, and Activision’s new Wolfenstein game, as well as several undisclosed projects. Threewave has also previously worked on most of the best-selling franchises and brands in the FPS genre including id’s Quake, Epic’s Unreal, Lucas Arts’ Star Wars: Jedi Knight – Jedi Academy and Activision’s Return to Castle Wolfenstein, to name a few. Threewave Software is the game developer that top publishers go to when looking to create the most compelling multiplayer FPS experiences for gamers who demand nothing but the best."

Taked from this offert http://jobs.gamasutra.com/jobseekerx/viewjobrss.asp?cjid=15351&accountno=19111 Now they changed it.
Guess why they changed it
Because of Quakecon and e3 presentation.
Good guess, but its still guessing. Point is that if a company puts something on their website it doesn't mean its 100% valid and thus a fact.
Yep nice site.
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