Suggestions to SW_Battery

so there a REALLY good ideas in new battery. well my suggestions should provide allies and axis tactical improvements.

1. suggestion:
allies/axis should be allowed to plant mines there
and there

2. suggestion
when the generator is disabled, there should be no electricity inside the bunker
at least the red light should be turned off here:
would be nice to fight in a dark bunker!!!

3. suggestion
implement here a crashed airplaine to give allies HIDINGSKILLzZ
it should be stucked half in the sand
a plane like this one:
or any other allied plane of this era

just suggestions...
what do you think eim?
what do you think xfire?

Quote by won3rYou can download the map -> here: <-
Connect to following IP to test the map to give feedback:
agree with 1.
i just want more fps D:
FCB whoohooooo!
Dynamic lights are bad.
nobody gonna play it anyway
3 is a nice idea, as long as its nothing too big
remove lighthouse
no aliens at gun!
only agree with 1
2 and 3 sounds nice
disagree with point 1 100%

on a side note: mines are the biggest mistake in ET evah!
goldrush wins in 5 minutes would suck
I would rather leave out the mines and edit other aspects...
2 is not possible due to quake engine does not support dynamic lights ;)
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