mozilla problem(ie also)

Yesterday I was @ my brother's laptop and mozilla began to update. After the update it didnt load any pages. It has happen before with IE (still is) but then mozilla always worked.

I tried reinstall, system restore. I dont want to format , because it's my brothers laptop and there's vista.

Ps. When i went start->run-> cmd -> ping It pinged normally.
Ps2. I installed older version when reinstalling.
Ps3. i can be @ msn..
I sometimes have the same problem, but it is caused by my connection. I can play online games, chat in msn etc, but I can't load any pages, or I can load them if I refresh them like 30x :D. Restart your router and hope for the best :).
but my "big" cpu works normally @ the same time...
restart you're fucking router, turn it off for 20 seconds turn it back on, restart your pc, hf
is the light on the router showing, usually called ppp or inet or sth simular...
If that's not showing reset you're router using a needle or sth, leave the router on while you do it and make sure you hold it down for 25 seconds. If that doesnt work, think if you disallowed any network things with you're firewall, and if you can't remeber it just deinstall it and see if it works. If all that doesnt help, check with you're provider...
this is why i use opera, best browser ever and it's light
this is why i use opera, best browser ever and it's light
I'd check proxy settings.
What kind of error message do you get? Just the normal can't find page-stuff?
"Could not resolve"-errors or something else?
Could it be that the old firefox was allowed in your firewall, but not the new one?
no firewall is enable afaik. The windows defender is disabled also.
Try entering (url) [] in the location bar, does that work?
EDIT: reply skills
Ok, then it's not DNS.
I'm running out of ideas, and I don't know jack shit about vista. Linux ftw.
But you could try to run it as administrator?
I just stumbled upon this:'

Could that be it?
dont hv zonealarm..
if u cant load EVERY page, so u can try one thing to solve ur problem. I had the same too. The server DNS-adress u have to set as static and not dynamic. It can be done for example, when u install ur router. To get this adress call ur provider or maybe there is another way...
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