my new logo

image: nvccccdfl

how does that look guys? maybe it looks better on CRT than LCD/TFT... dont know
it look shit @ LDC.
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8.3 / 10
whats it means to represent?
nVc using triangles

triangles are fucking badass though, you can't go wrong with triangles, et maps need more triangles
made me smile
why are the lines crossing each other?
i was drawing on paper and it looked nice, so i recreated it @ pc
use better colors and make the lines bigger
looks good!
Change the colors...I hate those "light colors".
just my nick, and i do some webdesign so needed it for the partner buttons etc :)
partner buttons - the sign of a professional webmaster :X :X :X
D:DDD:D:D:D::D:D::DD:D:D:D:DF:DFAF: :A: :D: D: D: D: :D:D:
so how old is she?
what a crappy brother
lrn2crop :(
awesome! :-)
nice colors btw but @ the triangle should have the same structural like the others?

man my english sux ._.
yea logos are emoshit,true
People who don't know what it says, will have a pretty hard time seeing that it says nVc, I can't even see it. Granted the V and C is there, but the n?
i haz found zeh "n"
looks nice and modern
Why does one need a logo?
You mean you don't have one? That's pretty embarassing.
erm...logo...yeah I've loads !

(Who needs a logo when you've a song :O} )
lets see yours :P
Man this is not a logo. A real logo is easy to redraw. I would add a motivational pic with "WHEN U SEE IT, U SHIT BRICKS". I wouldn't hire a designer with such logo, sorry.
At least I can see that it's London 2012 and I think it's quite redrawable. Fail as well though. Is it official logo?
Parent don't want to know how much the designer got for this. :D
If it weren't for the olympic circles, I don't you would be able to tell.
sorry, but that does look like a logo for an insurance company from the 80's
dunno, i dont like it :_)
Good idea, don´t let these donks get you down.
the colors are nice but it looks kinda shit with that coloring pattern.
if i would see this i wouldnt think of nvc
i like it
It's ok as a design concept, but not as a logo. The thin, extended lines doesn't quite … work.
Triangular Designs, we are not square!
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