Dear Crossfayah nerdies...

... time to show off with ya bartendership skill0rz!!! I'm gonna have a little party in da house t'night so give me recipes for some awesome drinks! BUT I won't have every curacao/vermouth/amaretto shit in my stock so there are restrictionzzz!! I will for sure have vodka, all the fruit you can imagine, milk & honey. There will probably also be rum, maybe gin too. So now plz bombard meh with recipezzz!

Best advice gets a shot of tequila!

random pic:
image: funny-pictures-shock-and-awe-kittens
orgasm is a nice shooter
well all shooters r goood:...!!
vodka + redbull / TEKILA / passoa + oranje juice / whisky :D:D:D
are u banned at google?
he had googlehack
thought so, thx
im not drinking for a very long time after last night >:x
bacardi razz + sinas
cola + vieux
vodka + jusdrange
listen to this man :)
im not even allowed to drink that at my age, but i prefer this shit> beer
Age: 28 ( 3 July 1980 ) ?
legal drinking age is 29 in jamaica
Wiadomo, ale cos dla dziewczyn bardziej wyrafinowanego trzeba :D
:D myslalem ze gejparty jak u mnie zawsze =()()
Jack Daniels, straight.
water with anthrax
mash up half a dozen strawberrys and add a lil sugar ..put 25ml of vodka and 25ml any decent strawberry liquer...shake and pour over ice...goes down well and gets u pished as a fart!
EDIT:- pussys can water down with a lil lemonade or soda water or w/e..maybe try a lil honey in with it?..with the milk u can just do vodka+milk+ a touch of baileys to thicken it a for the curdle tho if u put too much baileys -.-
tequila salt lemon, you know what to do !

green vodka ( is called limskaya ) and redbull is refreshing and a bit different from the ordinary vodka redbull

and you can try bacardi razz + sprite/gini ( I like it with sprite more because it's sweeter )

lol nice idea..scrap the orange juice tho ..
dont like the taste of wodka, so i put orange juice to it..
i meant use another mixer with it ..pure orange down a funnel is a lil heavy and will make u projectile vomit lol
this was in use so often & it works perfectly, believe me
well i might giv it a try then ..always up for a dirty night over the toilet seat :D
dont put too much CO2 stuff in all wants to get out of your mouth again:)
and follow this technique:
he is a little slow, but you shouldnt try to be faster the first time
and 50:50 always works out well
ive done funnels in the past but not with those drinks..uve gave me the urge to do it tonight also :)..cheers

U can make everything + is very nice color =)=)=)=)=)=) fun 2 drink + u can make killer drinks with it.. like 1 shot = drunk etc.

im sure u can use google for the recipes

and i dont like tequila.

gin+lemon > *
beer > vodka in my opinion
noone cares about exotic drinks, most people just wanna get hammered, stick to the standard stuff since you can't rly mix alot of good shit with those few ingredients anyways.

Enjoy you're "party"
you can mix Cubalibre with 2 ingredients, and you will get stoned + drunk with 5 shots.
I like to keep it simple, will surely have fun, while you'll probably play pc games or something gl&hf ^^
well it seems you're the nerd trying to be all cool organising a party, srsly if you invited you're friends then just get some vodka, jägermeister, jack daniels buy some coke, cherry, pinapple, banana etc juice's, make some frozen margaritas for the ladys, get a case or 2 of beer and let them mix for themselves.. have fun
If you want to get sloppy pissed fast easy: Shot of Vodka and Tequilla in a Glass with a bottle of Wkd
pernod vodka teq and red bull..had that once on a night out in manchester..fuck me m8 only takes a few and ur on ya ass wondering wtf went wrong
just buy some bottles of ZIZI COIN COIN, randomly throw some pasoa + orange juice, get some vodka and just throw everything else along with it, ...

c'mon be creative!
do a shit mix..everything and anything goes..should be interesting
You seem to like getting totally flabbergasted and vomiting panoramically :D
if ur goin cdc5 u will see how much of an alcoholic i rly am lol :D
Bah would love to but I don't have the moneyz :/ neither the skills to show sometihng there tbh :P
image: zubrowka
image: 15922

cheap and fine, hf!
image: ba95de09617b5fc786238d1bbfcb9180image: tonic_water

<3 :PP~~

image: a_jaloviinaimage: COCACOLA_230x350

Drinks are for gays and retarded biatches... just drink beer and vodka or rum...
ok im gay and retarded biatch xd what does that make u tough? :)
There are girls also tbh
Mix it with ABONPTMW, can't get better flavor
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