quake 4 mods/configs etc

so i really hate these NEED PRO CONFIG journals so i cant beleive in making 1 myself
but me and sector finally installed q4 after we bought it 2years ago

what mod do we need and id like to try out some random configs (from good/known players or high rated ones i guess lulz)

doesnt really have to be a high fps config but ya!

help me out<3 ty

*i hate default with every game
my profile
my profile
why play q4 when there's q3?
because not everyone is like 'ZOMG WE NEED Q3 ENGINE!!11'
but everyone prefers a good game instead of a bad game
actually, q4 is good since 1.4.2
why play ET when theres RTCW?:o
that's what I wonder
1.4.2 patch and q4max 0.82, search for av3k.cfg :D
mod: q4max

i dont think u will like my config
q4max, bind weapons to keys you like, adjust brightness
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