anyone noticed this?

Was testing some accelfix patches and I noticed that with the popular
accelfix.exe that the screenshake seemed to be worse, it's hard to focus as soon as you get shot and I didn't quite hit well because I couldn't track smooth enough. On the other hand with the .reg files I havnt had any issues, I'd even go so far to say that using a mousefix.reg file like cpl mousefix etc makes playing alot easier for me, the aim feels more natural and the screenshake doesn't give you a seizure :X

So what are you guy's using and why + anyone noticed this aswell? :X
i dont know actually which one ive been using ..... can I have them both from you so I could compare ! please
well google "accelfix.exe" and "cpl mousefix" and take the filefront links
thx mate; according to the journal author second acelfix should give less screenshake ye ?

edit : sorry mate ,you're the author :P . I can't remember / find out which one I have
installed .... so I have try them both out. How can I bring it back (remove ) to the original settings ? I mean how to turn on the accel ?
I don't think it gives less screenshake, it's just that I have noticed that it's harder to focus with the accelfix.exe when you get shot. If you wanna know what you have dl the accelfix.exe and open it, if it says, accel is enabled you don't have it installed, then close it and try the cpl mousefix or mousefix.reg
I play with mouseaccell
registry, driver or game accel?
razer or LG mouse?
Razer Deathadder
1stly: No drivers for my razer db
2ndly: 3/11 windows sensitivity
3rd: 500 hz refresh rate
4th: ingame sensitivity 4
5th: mouseaccel.reg added
6th: 1600 DPI (default)

50+ ACC every fucking time on pub
I know I'm the greatest thanks
ofc its not only about mouse settings, its my more than 3 years experience too!
its becuz you are a fcking polak
I hope you are jokin, otherwise im going to ignore you :(
Easy to get over 50acc with a bot
I didnt even smell cheats in my career, think what you want
i am joking ^^.
no you don't, you liar!
Havent rly noticed, but then again i only tried the accelfix afaik.
And u know my settings ;)
haha, close enough! :p
you still active?
not atm :)
Real life mostly and sometimes i play oblivion or ET
YOU SUCK, you aren't on irc anymore:(
i think i have them both. on the other hand my aim sucks :/
funny how paranoid most of et-players are
no its not all about settings^^
accelfix.exe - best fix imo, fucking smooth and accurate, best choice for ETplayer
wcafix - accelfix v.2 also completely removes accel, but a bit more sensitive and reactive, great for fast aim-only games, but tracking is fucking hard with it, i'd recommend it for point-and-fire games like q3/warsow/CS but definitely not for ET

that's all about getting used to it, i gave some tips and accelfix.exe to some players, who didn't even know about windows acc. Before installing they hadn't have any outstanding acc's and after they had installed it, their acc even lowered more. But then everyday it became higher and higher and their head-to-head aim fucking improved.
if they both remove accel completley then why are the different. That's kinda my point, I've really noticed better hit registration due to a smoother tracking using a mousefix.reg. In the end it's all about having a smooth movement anyways and I can't get it with the accelfix.exe , don't ask why but it's a fact, at least for me and some others :)
norhing, coz it makes even worser at me
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