bugfixes, suggestions for sw_battery

referring to this news article.

Following suggestions from pll noticed:
(I made some screenshots to make it clear)

image: shot0000wk2.th #1

image: shot0001qn8.th #2

image: shot0002os6.th #3

image: shot0003py1.th #4

image: shot0004vh3.th #5

In addition: Allies should be spawn at CP, limited to 3. #6
The railing bug at the flag is already known. #7

Anything else? Do you agree or disagree with all points?
Dicuss the screenshots, which has been posted above! Bullshit or nice ideas?
Number the screenshots for comment refferal.

For example number 4 would be pretty much useless as by giving a clear view for axis coming out of the wider door also gives allies a clearer view and if you check that spot normally it provides cover for any axis against allied campers :-)
remove bugs, allies spawn at cp and the map is ready imo :p
Just make a direct tunnel route from the beach to the flag or even to the gun controls, as flat as possible and a couple of corners to lean at. Perfection.
In addition: Allies should be spawn at CP, limited to 3. #6 ???????/
Whats so hard to understand?
thats the most stupidest thing i ever heard from a map maker, limiting amount of players spawning at cp to 3 plz gtfo
Who said, that the suggestion has been made by the map maker? read the journal first, before you say something stupid!
who ever fucking said that must be retarded and why are your doing it again?
gtfo and insert your random flame on another place...
Nice wonder!
You're my wonderwall.
This is unreal how this gun stays up. Maybe make it like this.

image: 20080713003733swbatteryqj3.th

On the wall is way how this work moves left to right (atm there railways on floor and now wheels). But if you add wheels back, then there is easier to defuse dyna(axis)
The possibilty to climb up the controls & having a nice sniper spot :D
image: batterykd9

I think its better for allies because axis can wait and backrape or panzer wait and shote!
it doesn't really matter, it's a bad map anyway
Its a rly good map!
Nigga plz, people are just desperately trying to get some new maps into competition. But let's face it, despite all the honorable attempts to get new maps going, people still go back to the old ones because they're the most fair to play. It's not a coincidence that people stopped playing maps like oasis and battery. The last custom map that was a real success was....supply. Adler, braundorf, karsiah or bremen just suck donkey ballz.
paintrain for president
2 is fail, others useless.
#1 - WHY?
#2 - again WHY?
#3 - good
#4 - good
#5 - ok
#6 - why limited?

and make door near the flag (you can open them with button, where ladder was) blowable by dyno. and if allies destroy them, they have flag secured.
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