Computer Password w/ XP

I got a little problem here..

A couple days ago, I changed my password of my computer.
But unfortunatly I forgot the password -,-.
So I cannot log on to the computer anymore, Is there a way to solve this?

E: Solved, I rememberd my pw
buy a new one :>
buy new pc
Die and you wont need an password anymore, not even a computer!
try to log in with
username: administrator
pass: administrator

(or was it "admin", "admin"? forgot :P)
try both ^^

and ² FuriouS: hahaha
Search at google for some cd that removes the password.
open in safe mode, and disable the option to use a password? :x
Since I got a g15 keyboard that wont work... It needs a time to *charge* before it works, so...
so unplug it ;X
Charge?? :D You got some retarded G15.
man, old ps2 keyboad ;)

logitech fail @ drivers ;)
A password for your pc is useless, who would come there and steal ur data?
if the FBI fails @ cracking a simple windows password then i don't know... :D
An account on a pc not password protected can be accessed by anyone over the net. It is not to protect the physical logon of your pc but programs logging on without your knowledge. If a trojan/virus uses your account within the pc to allow itself to act as a service it wont be prompted for a password and will start automatically allowing all sorts of other horrible things to happen. No password is a lottery, good luck you may be a winner soon :)
w/e, im not afraid at all :D
Its to prevent my brother from hacking on my pc
and to prevent my mother from using my pc without my permission!
i got a linux-cd that boots on every WIN-system to show various pw´s!
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