new graphics card

Bought new graphics card and installed it, now when i play et and did /r_lastvalidrenderer it shows me this image: omgfullastvalidrenderersp0
so tell me now wtf?
if it's working dont try to fix it
just was wondering why it looks like that :/
chinese graphics card apparently
Club 3D GeForce 7600 GT 256 Mt AGP

Dunno, mr Japan!
seta r_lastvalidrenderer ""
Make sure you have the latest driver and the right one for your OS. You can't really go wrong at
this cvar is doesnt change anything... let it be
if you reinstall et and create own cfg , your cards name will appear there.
Before that, I deleted all my config files and profiles and everything, then I executed my config WITHOUT r_lastvalidrenderer cvar and when i was scrolling through the cvars on ma console, i saw dat!
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