
I was bored at night and found my graphic tablet in a drawer. Then I spent like 7 hours drawing this :P

image: yglar

now i am tired, good night
Have you drawed this yourself :o
I drew the outlines and rough stuff with the graphic tablet and then made the details per pixel in photoshop. That's also the reason why it's so small :D
you made a picture of yourself being somekind of a hero!!!!! you've reached a new level of awesomeness!! :D
eh, be nice to him, he knows how to deal with Dihydrogen Monoxide! :))
:D he knows im kidding :P
when you started to "paint" this the "paper" was empty ?
looks nicem but do something about the hair :D
you could have done so much other things in 7 hours but no, you decide to draw a picture =)
nvm, its beautiful!
true, but at least it looks nice :)
I kinda used his face as a model, yes :D
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